Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

I've long stated that I'm only seasonally nude. I won't run a heater to keep it warm enough because for me it is about being ecologically responsible and using energy to run a heater when I can warm myself isn't something I'm into. That said, I have a delicate southern California constitution and I am finding it to be unseasonably cool these last few days.

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RE: Temperatures

Will what do consider cool. I'm up in central Alberta Canada and I'm sitting out side nude and it's 16 or in your terms 63F breezy, and cloudy. Am I cold? No not yet anyways. It is a little chilly compared to what we been having but I'm a diehard. Am I nuts for sitting out in this? No. Not yet anyways that time will come soon enough. My point being... Lets enjoy what we can, cause that dreaded season will be here soon enough, and then where will we all be sitting?

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RE: Temperatures

FWIW: Growing up in Florida, 63 degrees F sounded *cold*. Now that I have lived in N.E. North Carolina for a bit over 19 years, 63 degrees F - as long as there was no significant windchill - would be "pleasant"
{BTW, is there some way to post the "degree" symbol? It never appears in any post I tried to use it in, here on TN.}

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RE: Temperatures

We conserve in many, many ways. Being comfortable isn't one that we take more seriously and if we are cold, we'll put on a robe but ... the heater also goes on. Not sure how some of the nudists here can live in areas where the winter temps get down below zero but here in Sunny Southern California ... 60 degrees is cool and it could be cold if it's cloudy, cloudy and rainy and there's a breeze or wind. I've laid out in the sun in temps below 60 but in direct sunlight, no wind ... it's comfy.
With regards to heating the house; if I have to put clothes on because it's too cold, then the heater goes on. We're comfortable in light to heavy robes but we are not comfortable wearing clothes, especially in our own home. About the only thing that has bothered me as of late, is that the tile floors can become so cold that I have to wear socks or slippers!
My wife, on the other hand, is a nudist but won't take being naked to the levels I will. In winter or any other time it's cold, she hates the heater but will agree to put it on up to a certain temp we can both be comfortable in, in our robes. Summer time, it's a given, we're naked and living her in So Cal, there are days in winter that are warmer than some days in the summer. It's truly a great part of the state and country to be a nudist.

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RE: Temperatures

To each their own. It isn't as cool as it was a few nights ago and I'm able to enjoy the balcony tonight. As for you northerners, that was why I included that jab about how we down here aren't very tolerant of low temperatures. By the time it gets below the mid 50s (low 10s for you Celsius folks) we break out the ear muffs and heavy coats. I have friends from Michigan and Wisconsin, I get it.

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RE: Temperatures

I would definitely say that I'm nude less often in the colder months than in the warmer ones!

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RE: Temperatures

For me, I will put on slippers when the wood floor goes cold in winter, and if the room temp drops into the 60s I'll put on a shirt or even a jacket, but I won't wear pants. Those are uncomfortable it spend a long time in while sitting.

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RE: Temperatures

I live nude year round at home here in the UK, as long as its not really cold, I'm not into heating the place at a higher temperature than if I wore clothing though, for both cost and environmental reasons. I dislike clothing but it does have its benefits in the depth of winter. If I'm getting cold and want to stay nude I find something around the house that needs doing that involves physical exercise, that warms me up enough to stay naked usually, plus the place might tend to look cleaner and tidier in winter!
Its been cooler here recently too. After 3 good months of summer, some of which was fairly hot for here, I got very used to being nude most of the time, then we had the seasons first tail end of a hurricane, Bertha, crossing the Atlantic and its been colder and wetter. A group of us went to the local nude beach this morning, it was as forecast until early afternoon, then unpredicted heavy grey clouds showed up, rain started and there was no fun to be gained from outdoor nudity, so its home and nude in the dry for me.

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RE: Temperatures

.... Also the first springlike days--naked is the only way to be!I love those first days each spring when outdoor nudity is comfortable again for longer periods- "naked is the only way to be" - its like a celebration ritual, enjoying the liberation of being nude outdoors, nudity feels compulsory to me then!

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