Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Textile/Friend/Neighbor getting curious

Living in the country, closest neighbor is a mile away but on a busy road. That caused us to build a large private backyard so Luann could enjoy the outdoors as she dearly loves to be. It's totally inclosed with a 6' fence on 3 sides and a 3...

Are there times...

Are there times where you feel more nude than other times? Obviously, you feel less nude when you have clothes on...that's not what i mean... I usually only wear flip flops around the house, but the times I walk around barefooted, I feel more...


89 i got must get naked more

Latest PostI got 82%!!
by abhchelms 

I got 69 on test

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how much of a nudist am I ?

i scored a 75, thought it would be higher ?

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We had a new neighbour move in a couple of months ago, nice single lady ion her 60s . When we first introduced ourselves we informed her we were nudists, she was cool with us being nudists although not a nudist herself, it would be nice to the...

Naked at home

Hi everyone, we love to be naked as much as possible! Indoors, outdoors under the sun and stars, in the pool and on our deck enjoying great views of the lake we live on! Beth and Tom

Easing in

I was mostly a beach nudist before but this summer I have taken to spending pretty much all of my time at home nude. I only cover up when I go outside, have someone visit or the one or two nights when it was too chilly for me to be comfortable...