Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
made a blog
Return to DiscussionsHi bunny,
I enjoyed your blog. Thanks for sharing your early nudist experiences with us!
When I went away to college I began sleeping naked and quickly realized that I was a "closet nudist." It took me a lot longer than you to finally get naked with others.
Hi bunny,I enjoyed your blog. Thanks for sharing your early nudist experiences with us!When I went away to college I began sleeping naked and quickly realized that I was a "closet nudist." It took me a lot longer than you to finally get naked with others.-Paul
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it.
Same here, enjoyed reading. It's always interesting to hear how others have become nudists, thanks for sharing your experiences with us:)
Thank you for reading!To be honest I was sorta nervous about opening up and sharing my experience in more detail. I'm glad everyone enjoys reading it.