Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Hi all. Live out in the country a bit so with several acres around me I have the luxury of being naked at home much of the time. This includes walks, naked naps in the back yard, mowing and or yard work. Before sunrise i like to walk down the driveway to the street naked to get my morning newspaper. Being cautious of course of cars driving by.

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RE: Country living

I also live in the country ( on 40 acres ),and there is nothing better than being able whatever I want outside in the nude. checking the mail is always a rush, ive had cars pass without warning and all I could do was wave.

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RE: Country living

Living out of town or center of the city is what I wanted to do before we bought this tract home. This is our 3rd tract home and I wanted something different, a home with property, with distance between neighbors and privacy ... lots of privacy but ... guess who lost that argument.
Although we live in a tract home, we still have use of our entire backyard in the nude. We've been seen and I've discussed in a "round about" way, this with the neighbors. All of those I've talked to and that have hinted at seeing us nude all stated that we should be able to do whatever we want in our backyards and if someone has an issue with it, they should keep their noses on their own property. I appreciated their feelings about that.
I'm not sure of any of the negatives of living out in the country. What negatives do any of you have with living away from town or the city?

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RE: Country living

My biggest problem is that you get accustomed to the privacy you have and dont expect unannounced visitors. I have been caught naked by a neighbor, a female census worker and a couple other times. Im not so far outside the city that im complete seclusion and i do have neighbors. But they normally keep to themselves

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