Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Online hangouts

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Hi all! I guess this topic has been raised since way back, but being new to the site I still would like to ask.

The winter season is coming here in Norway and being a nudist can be a lonesome affair sometimes. Is there an interest in creating a safe moderated Skype hangout so we can hang out both genders together without any other strings attached?

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RE:Online hangouts

This is interesting. I'm interested

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RE:Online hangouts

I'd be interested to join, it gets just as cold in the uk

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RE:Online hangouts

I love hanging out online. I can only do Telegram though: RickLew1. Hit me up by text and I can see when I we can cam chat naked (i.e. when my sister who is staying with me is out - usually Mondays and Tuesdays)

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RE:Online hangouts

Thats a great idea. Always happy to chat with others

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