Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

I was scared and ashamed to click picture of me that what other people will think that I am not in shape or small or something. But finally I got enough courage to do it. Maybe one day I will have enough power to do it in open area with other nudist too.

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RE:Dared to show

The cornerstone of the nudist lifestyle is body acceptance. Yours, and other people's, too. We are who we are. None of us has a perfect, flawless body, and it's not about that. I hope you learn to be comfortable with who you are and how you look. Stand naked in front of a mirror and tell yourself, "I'm perfect!" Good luck.

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RE:Dared to show

I was scared and ashamed to click picture of me that what other people will think that I am not in shape or small or something. But finally I got enough courage to do it. Maybe one day I will have enough power to do it in open area with other nudist too.

i chat with many here who are apprehensive to visit a nudist resort / camp or nude beach and my advise is - time is passing you by one year , five , ten years and you haven't made the move . people have such hang up on body images trust me very few 10's ,9's or 8's at nudist venues . fat , thin , little penis , floppy breast , little breast , scars and everything else once buried beneath the clothes . get nude and yes everyone will look were all human don't believe the BS about eye contact but brief looks and back to book reading , chatting , pool and whatever else you do in clothes but without them.

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RE:Dared to show

I was scared and ashamed to click picture of me that what other people will think that I am not in shape or small or something. But finally I got enough courage to do it. Maybe one day I will have enough power to do it in open area with other nudist too.

You have been bombarded with far too much propaganda from the clothing, cosmetic surgery, slimming, energy food, commercial gym, and similar industries.
They spend millions trying to make you dissatisfied with your own, perfectly good body and, because of the anti-nudity Puritan ethic which the USA has inherited from the Pilgrim Fathers, there are few pictures of the bodies of real people readily available in the media to counteract this stream of misinformation.
Go for it, you will probably feel totally embarrassed initially but that feeling will quickly wear off when you realise you are just like everybody else, not identical but all with their own perfections and imperfections. The average physique which you mention in your profile will fit in perfectly.

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