Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

I've spent much of the summer enjoying the sunshine at breakfast and lunch: my one neighbor works and I know when he's home from the car int he driveway, the other neighbors are shorter than the fence and their windows don't face my yard. It's possible one or the other has seen me, but nobody's mentioned anything. Not quite ready to come out.

Today, I heard neighbor 2 start up the lawn mower, and when it died (out of gas), I greeted her from over the fence, and offered some of our garden bounty of cucumbers.

I doubt she suspected a thing.

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RE:Over the fence

Nice relaxed social setup you have there.

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RE:Over the fence

Nice relaxed social setup you have there.

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