Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
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Clothing Inertia
Return to DiscussionsLike many others here, I sleep and stay naked in the morning and through the day until I need to dress. Usually, this is either because I need to go out or we expect textile visitors.
However, when I get home or the visitors leave I often can't be bothered to undress again.
Similarly when on holiday at Vera Playa naturis village this year I found that after dressing in a flimsy wrap to satisfy the local requirements for food stored I sometimes didn't take it off again as soon as I left in spite of having left dressing until I was immediately outside the glass doors and visible from inside before I used my wrap.
I call this "clothing inertia."
Does anybody else suffer from this condition?
Like many others here, I sleep and stay naked in the morning and through the day until I need to dress. Usually, this is either because I need to go out or we expect textile visitors.However, when I get home or the visitors leave I often can't be bothered to undress again.Similarly when on holiday at Vera Playa naturis village this year I found that after dressing in a flimsy wrap to satisfy the local requirements for food stored I sometimes didn't take it off again as soon as I left in spite of having left dressing until I was immediately outside the glass doors and visible from inside before I used my wrap.I call this "clothing inertia."Does anybody else suffer from this condition?
Sorry i dont especially at a Naturist Resort such as Vera Playa, as soon as i get outside again the wrap comes straight off, making the most of being naked on Holiday
Sorry i dont especially at a Naturist Resort such as Vera Playa, as soon as i get outside again the wrap comes straight off, making the most of being naked on Holiday
I suspect that in my case it was influenced by the need to fold the wrap when I had a full shopping bag in my hand.
Funny that this appeared so recently. I found myself hanging around in my shorts after I had to get dressed to take the trash bin to the curb the other night. It was annoying to have to put something on, but after I got back into the house I just left the shorts on. I'm not doctrinaire about always being nude anyway, but did wonder about it that evening. Now I know that I'm not the only one following Nudetonian physics: "a body in nudity tends to remain nude, a body with some clothes on may stay clothed unless a force acts on it." I guess sometimes I just ain't got enough force to undress again (until bed, of course, I always sleep nude).
I start every day nude for several hours, it is my time to just enjoy the feeling. I do some chores about the house, spend time at this site, or just sit nude with my coffee.
I also start the day with an hour or so of spending time on the computer, then exercise and shower unless I have done so the night before or am planning to do something sweaty and shower later in the day. After that, it is time for breakfast. in warm weather I often stay nude until it is time to go somewhere. In cooler weather I generally dress after breakfast.