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Handling friends of your kids visits

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Unexpected visits and overnights with school friends. Any suggestions?

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RE:Handling friends of your kids visits

So far almost no one knows and only one of my sons friends caught me coming out of the pool nude. I dont want to offend anyone or upset any parents so we are careful to be dressed when anyone is expected.

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RE:Handling friends of your kids visits

I guess it depends on how secretive you plan to be. Trying to keep it from the kids? (Perhaps too late, anyway!) Then you may just have to hope for the best.

If they know and you do not wish to be seen by random friends, then developing some sort of system to avoid being caught out may be worthwhile, like asking them to always call before bringing someone over, or even themselves if even they'd rather not see you. Perhaps they can guide their guests away to another part of the house to give you a chance to dress.

The final option may be to just say it's up to them to act accordingly if you're out there, especially if you're not worried about being seen. They can look after their friends!

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