Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
how long do you have to be home for to strip off?
Return to DiscussionsHow long? If you are home over a lunch hour do you dine nude or keep your clothes on? What is the minimum length of time that you need to plan on being home for you to get naked while there? For me during the summer months since normally the only things I am wearing is a pair of shorts, a shirt and a pair of Crocs pretty much anytime home i strip off as I enter the door if not before. Winter, due to temp levels , it sort of depends on if the furnace has it warm enough for nude time.
What patterns do you all have?
I tend to be both slow to dress and slow to undress so it depends on what I'm wearing and what I'll be doing next but I tend to want to have a couple of naked hours in prospect before I'll strip off.
However if I come home dirty and need to go out in clean clothes later then I will strip immediately and dress again at the last minute, however short the naked interval.
Unless I have something else to do outside of the house, not long at all, actually. Sometimes I sing Its a Beautiful Day In the Neighborhood as I do it.
Well, not aloud.
Tonight, Ive got a couple of folks coming by. Im staying dressed. Its sad, I know.
I routinely wear the least amount of clothes possible. Shorts, shirt, flip flops. When I get in the door, they come off within seconds, 99.9% of the time. How long or what is the minimum amount of time? If I'm going right back out with 10 mins or less, I'll keep them on but it's rare that I return home for that short of time unless I've driven away and forgotten something.
Tonight as an example, got to my motel room at 9 with a to-go supper, did not undress for the hour of eating and organizing, because I will out at 10 to the lobby. To much trouble to get out of winter duds for one hour. Will strip when I get back, until tomorrow morning.
So it depends on weather, time at home, convenience.