Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

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How long? If you are home over a lunch hour do you dine nude or keep your clothes on? What is the minimum length of time that you need to plan on being home for you to get naked while there? For me during the summer months since normally the only things I am wearing is a pair of shorts, a shirt and a pair of Crocs pretty much anytime home i strip off as I enter the door if not before. Winter, due to temp levels , it sort of depends on if the furnace has it warm enough for nude time.
What patterns do you all have?

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

I should clean the stuff out of the garage so my car would fit, Then I could leave my shorts in the car and come in nude!Highly recommended. That way your shorts come off at the start of the journey, not the end :D

Not bold enough to drive my convertible with my shorts and the top off at the same time, and I really don't want to put the top up on a warm day so I guess the shorts will still stay on until I get home.
Plus, unlike some things I have heard about the UK, the US is not tolerant of incidental public nudity for the most part.

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

As soon as I come in the house, put down any items I'm carrying. Keys on key hook, cap on hat rack, into bedroom and finish getting naked. So on average I think it is within the first minute that I'm in the house I am getting to my natural state.

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

I should clean the stuff out of the garage so my car would fit, Then I could leave my shorts in the car and come in nude!Highly recommended. That way your shorts come off at the start of the journey, not the end :DNot bold enough to drive my convertible with my shorts and the top off at the same time, and I really don't want to put the top up on a warm day so I guess the shorts will still stay on until I get home.Plus, unlike some things I have heard about the UK, the US is not tolerant of incidental public nudity for the most part.

To clarify, not bold means wanting to avoid trouble with the law, rather than not wanting to be seen.
If there were no legal issues, I would certainly drive nude.
Working out nude in a gym, leaving my clothes in the car at the nude beach, and being able to do routine things like get the paper and mail and do yard work in front of the house are other things I would like to do

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

I should clean the stuff out of the garage so my car would fit,!

Get it cleaned out, you will probably find some things you had forgotten about or didn't know exactly where they were. You may find something you thought was lost for good that you haven't seen in years.

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

I should clean the stuff out of the garage so my car would fit, Then I could leave my shorts in the car and come in nude!Highly recommended. That way your shorts come off at the start of the journey, not the end :DNot bold enough to drive my convertible with my shorts and the top off at the same time, and I really don't want to put the top up on a warm day so I guess the shorts will still stay on until I get home.Plus, unlike some things I have heard about the UK, the US is not tolerant of incidental public nudity for the most part.To clarify, not bold means wanting to avoid trouble with the law, rather than not wanting to be seen.If there were no legal issues, I would certainly drive nude.Working out nude in a gym, leaving my clothes in the car at the nude beach, and being able to do routine things like get the paper and mail and do yard work in front of the house are other things I would like to do

In the UK the law is not the problem, social acceptance is.

I drive a company can and the company definitely would not approve, so I risk my car and my job every time I do it.

My commute is the same route ever day, so if someone thinks they saw me today, if they were inclined, the could look out for me tomorrow. As I see lots of other drivers regularly, they obviously do the same commute as me, so this would no be hard for them.

Lastly, driving out of the city I drive through an area with a high ethnic percentage, and many faiths do not respect our views. As traffic in this area is VERY slow, caution is called for.

This is why I apply caution to my naked driving. Thankfully, I can "Donald duck" most of this and nobody is aware. Once safe, off comes the shirt for the remainder and (majority) of the journey. So far, as far as I know, I've never been seen.

I did say that in the UK, the law is not the problem. Unfortunately, that's not completely true as man police officers do not know the law in relation to nudity. For that reason I always carry my British Nudism membership card and legal guideline sheet. These clearly and briefly explain that nudism is legal. Thankfully, so far I haven't needed it.

I know what you mean about wishing you could go the the gym, beach without worrying. When I go to my naked swim often the only time I'm dressed during the whole day is to walk in to and out of the pool building. It would be lovely to not have to

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

Where is there a public pool that lets you swim naked?
I have a similar frustration on days when the only time I wear a shirt is at the gym.

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

Where is there a public pool that lets you swim naked?

Most nude swim sessions in the UK are in public pools. A few of these are true public sessions and the rest are organised by clubs who generally welcome anybody who can produce a valid Identity card of some sort.

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

Where is there a public pool that lets you swim naked?I have a similar frustration on days when the only time I wear a shirt is at the gym.

I'm lucky. The nearest one to me is only 10 minutes away from home. In summer I go in just shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops. I'd prefer to go in even less

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

Where is there a public pool that lets you swim naked?I have a similar frustration on days when the only time I wear a shirt is at the gym.I'm lucky. The nearest one to me is only 10 minutes away from home. In summer I go in just shorts, t-shirt and flip-flops. I'd prefer to go in even less

You could probably skip the shirt.

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RE:how long do you have to be home for to strip off?

I live a nude lifestyle, so basically it takes 3 minutes from the time I am inside to the time I am nude. That's how long it takes to get to the bedroom to get out of my clothes.

Since I have taken off anything I was wearing except shorts, I can be nude in less than a minute.

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