Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

forget you are naked

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How many of you have experienced this? You are naked so much around your house that you have to catch yourself sometimes because you start going outside and forget.

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RE:forget you are naked

Closest I have come to that is drive somewhere that requires shirts and I realize when I get there that I forgot to bring one.Almost happened today when I went to the grocery store.

Yesterday when I was the car just about to take garden waste out to the recycling place I remembered I hadn't picked up my shorts so had to get out and get them so I could put them on when I got there. (when it is warm enough I always drive there nude and only have my shorts on just for unloading)

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RE:forget you are naked

I have just found that the one time I can't forget I'm naked is when I'm using a power hedge trimmer.

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RE:forget you are naked

I have just found that the one time I can't forget I'm naked is when I'm using a power hedge trimmer.

I've mentioned a few times about not using strimmers (weed whackers) without protection - infections and swollen ankles for a few weeks

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