Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Nude alone w/ clothed wife
Return to DiscussionsI am a home nudist with a wife that does not enjoy the same or does she want to try it. Just wondering if others have a similar lifestyle? I am fortunate in that she does not complain or even comment about me being nude. After showering at days end I stay nude until I have to go out the next day. I do envy the couples that share the same feeling.
My wife is very similar. Sometimes she tells me to put my clothes on, other times she doesn't mind as much, but I think she would prefer I not be nude. She has no problem with me sleeping naked or doing things after I get out of the shower without putting my clothes on, but doesn't want me lounging around in the nude. I figure I'm lucky to get in the nude time that I do and as soon as she leaves to go somewhere, I am nude!
I am a home nudist with a wife that does not enjoy thesame or does she want to try it. Just wondering if others have asimilar lifestyle? I am fortunate in that she does not complain oreven comment about me being nude. After showering at days end Istay nude until I have to go out the next day. I do envy thecouples that share the same feeling.
I'm not just a home nudist I go to nude beaches and a B&B where
I'm able to be nude. However my wife is not into the same
lifestyle. Saying this she also doesn't said anything about me
getting nude soon after getting home from work or somewhere. I am
usually nude most times if it is just us at home. At times she has
let another friend in when I was nude on the couch not even
thinking about it. I just casually cover up once I see them but
they usually always have a glance at me before I'm able to throw
something over me. I just laugh and say good day to whom ever it
My ex was much more happy being textiled than nude. Hence,
she is my ex. I guess for me it is important to have someone
share a similar passion of being naked. That being said,
maybe there is too much thought given on being naked. She
also didn't drink coffee or wine or like the same type of music. I do know if your wife is not comfortable being textile
free, well, you are going to have to live with that. I doubt
she will suddenly change her attitude. You married her so
just concentrate on what you found interesting and attractive and
go with that.
I am a home nudist with a wife that does not enjoy the same or does she want to try it. Just wondering if others have a similar lifestyle? I am fortunate in that she does not complain or even comment about me being nude. After showering at days end I stay nude until I have to go out the next day. I do envy the couples that share the same feeling.
I am a home nudist with a wife that does not enjoy the same or does she want to try it. Just wondering if others have a similar lifestyle? I am fortunate in that she does not complain or even comment about me being nude. After showering at days end I stay nude until I have to go out the next day. I do envy the couples that share the same feeling.
my wife's the same way. Onlynude in bathroom.but she complained about me being nude. I too ugly I guess.
She is a good person, very considerate of others and their feelings. That is probably why she doesn't mind me because she knows I enjoy being nude. She has made the comment more than once "you look comfortable". She knows it is not a sexual thing. Guess the only thing I am missing is the social side of it.
I am a home nudist with a wife that does not enjoy the same or does she want to try it. Just wondering if others have a similar lifestyle? I am fortunate in that she does not complain or even comment about me being nude. After showering at days end I stay nude until I have to go out the next day. I do envy the couples that share the same feeling.
my wife is the same way bro i try to get into it but no luck
I do it all the time. My wife used to like "nuding" with me back in the 80s . . . but 3 kiddos later she won't even consider it now . . . regardless of how much I encourage her and let her know she still has a beautiful physeec. It's all good . . . she is ok with me being in the buff and around other guys and lady's . . . she merely prefers to be attired herself.
I truly feel for those of you that have a spouse that is not a nudist, isn't interested in nudism or dislikes that fact that you are nude in your own home. I am a fortunate one. My wife loves being a nudist and at times will tell me ... "take your clothes off." She and I love seeing each other naked all the time. Since that's the way we live and have lived for over 42 years ... we don't know any different nor do we like it any different. :D