Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Seeking advice to approach topic to friends...

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I currently go unclothed at my home. My question is: How do you approach friends and so forth on this topic? Although I am a very open person, I have only told a few friends that I am now living this lifestyle. Any advice? I have no problem being naked in front of anyone, but I dont want friends to be uncomfortable.

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RE:Seeking advice to approach topic to friends...

I currently go unclothed at my home. My question is: How do you approach friends and so forth on this topic? Although I am a very open person, I have only told a few friends that I am now living this lifestyle. Any advice? I have no problem being naked in front of anyone, but I dont want friends to be uncomfortable.

Same here.
My close friends knoe that I am nudist.
And I being naked in frint of them. But they are not nudist. But still they are comfortable with my nudity.

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RE:Seeking advice to approach topic to friends...

My problem is I'm around a lot of people who neither understand nor live the nudist lifestyle. Thankfully I have one friend who enjoys it. My best advice is just keep looking for the right people to build a social network in your local area.

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RE:Seeking advice to approach topic to friends...

We have a sign on our driveway: Clothing is optional here
call if you need us to cover up for you
(phone number)

In 11 years, no one has called us and asked us to dress. They come into the property forewarned, and that seems to be enough. We have been visited by friends, postal, UPS, FED Ex, and Amazon drivers, sales people, pizza deliverers, police officers, etc. No problems.

We do have a couple of friends that we know are not at all ok with nudity. Usually, we would visit them, but if they do come over, we just plan on being clothed for them.

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RE:Seeking advice to approach topic to friends...

Thank you for the information! :)

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RE:Seeking advice to approach topic to friends...

Thank you for replying! :)

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RE:Seeking advice to approach topic to friends...

I was asking about how to inform my friends to make them feel comfortable. Thank you for your answer! :) I appreciate it!

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RE:Seeking advice to approach topic to friends...

Love the sign idea! Thank you for your reply! :)

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RE:Seeking advice to approach topic to friends...

A sign posted is a good idea.
I also make a joke about nudity. Something like, "Hey, didn't I see you at the nude beach recently?" Their reply will give you an indication as to their feelings.

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RE:Seeking advice to approach topic to friends...

That is true as I do the same :)

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RE:Seeking advice to approach topic to friends...

Great discussion! And thank you for you candid opinions on the subject. Good points on putting "feelers" out there, without completely disrupting your life, possibly being spurned by others, or making others feel too uncomfortable.

BTW Kelly.....your profile pic is too funny!

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