Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

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Nude at home Naked coffee every morning

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Nude when I can But love have. My morning coffee nude with curtains open sun shinning on me

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RE:Nude at home Naked coffee every morning

The home we are in has no privacy for outdoor nudity. One of my goals is to own a home where that can happen. A nice cup of coffee while naked outside on a pleasant morning sounds like a wonderful way to start a day. Enjoy it!

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RE:Nude at home Naked coffee every morning

Since I retired and moved to a place in the country, the only time I gat dressed is if we have to go somewhere, or have textile friends come over. Any other time I am nekkid, I can sit on my front porch or back deck, or in the yard and have my morning coffee. I would never move back into a community other than a nude community for all the convenience of having services near. I like being able to be naked and feeling free all the time.

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RE:Nude at home Naked coffee every morning

Will always have naked coffee at home when I can. Cannot have it outside due no privacy. Do have a camper at a nudist campground and always enjoy my coffee naked. It is a great way to start your day, fresh coffee and enjoying nature.

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RE:Nude at home Naked coffee every morning

always start my day having coffee and a newspaper nude.

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RE:Nude at home Naked coffee every morning

I'm on my deck nude right now with the newspaper and coffee. If the weather permits it I'm here. If not, I'm elsewhere. :)

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RE:Nude at home Naked coffee every morning

I try to go out on the deck every morning i can, naked with my cup of coffee.

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RE:Nude at home Naked coffee every morning

I don't have decking, I don't read a newspaper, and I don't have a coffee in the morning.

What I do have is more time to spend cuddling Mar before we get up in the morning. I win :D

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RE:Nude at home Naked coffee every morning

Like every other morning, naked with coffee and iPad. Great way to start the day.

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RE:Nude at home Naked coffee every morning

Heres to morning coffee drinkers! I enjoy mine on my back deck while watching the sunrise.

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RE:Nude at home Naked coffee every morning

Sitting in my deck enjoying naked coffe and conversation with a very special naked lady friend.

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