Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

First bicyclists of the season

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Lat night my first long distance bicyclists showed up. Three guys going cross country. From my profile they knew I am a nudist before they got here and assured me that was not a problem. Because they have different riding habits, one guy showed up a full hour before the other 2. I greeted him bare and showed him the lay of the house. he showered and came out bare himself. The 2 of us did a hot tub soak while waiting for the other 2 to pedal up. We had just gotten out when they did, so we greeted them bare. We ate before they showered, me the only one totally bare, for some reason the first guy had slipped on shorts to eat. But post meal all 4 of us soaked and visited to way early this morn.
Because the later 2 were riding in the dark, I had offered by phone to go get them, but they declined. One asked me, if you had come gotten us would you have been nude? I assured him I have driven nude, but not when i planned to stop along a busy road and load up 2 bicycles in the back of my pick up. They are still sleeping all but me put something on to bed down, as I type this. But they have assured me that the " helmets only held strategically " pic will be taken to add to my guest book of other pedaling guests.

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RE:First bicyclists of the season

I love your experience.

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RE:First bicyclists of the season

We had a couple from Denver who stayed with us last week. They were headed in your direction. Have no idea if they are staying with you though.

We also had three guys who contacted me on very short notice. The situation wasn't right for them to stay. I wonder if it is the same guys.

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RE:First bicyclists of the season

the 3 guys who stayed last week are in Chicago now, i think their route will bring them down your way.

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