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Just want to discuss the world's isues

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Now retired from teaching and miss discussions with the kids. Looking forward to sitting here nude and chatting about all things from social issues, to backpacking, to outdoor nude explorations, and ideas for outdoor meetups.

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

Now that's an open invitation to create a little bit of dialogue...should California be allowed to secede or should the union 'just say no'? Would you need a passport to travel across the border to Arizona or Mexico? Would you consider Hollywood a US or Republic of California enterprise? It has all sorts of possibilities doesn't it?? Think of all the tax savings!!

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

Now that's an open invitation to create a little bit of dialogue...should California be allowed to secede or should the union 'just say no'? Would you need a passport to travel across the border to Arizona or Mexico? Would you consider Hollywood a US or Republic of California enterprise? It has all sorts of possibilities doesn't it?? Think of all the tax savings!!

If California were allowed to secede then that would require a longer border wall to be built around it, too. Otherwise all the illegal immigrants would just enter through California and then travel east unhindered.(they're already doing that anyway) Perhaps it would be better if all the ones out there wanting to secede should be moved to the Aleutian Islands and let them call THAT California.

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

Now that's an open invitation to create a little bit of dialogue...should California be allowed to secede or should the union 'just say no'? Would you need a passport to travel across the border to Arizona or Mexico? Would you consider Hollywood a US or Republic of California enterprise? It has all sorts of possibilities doesn't it?? Think of all the tax savings!!If California were allowed to secede then that would require a longer border wall to be built around it, too. Otherwise all the illegal immigrants would just enter through California and then travel east unhindered.(they're already doing that anyway) Perhaps it would be better if all the ones out there wanting to secede should be moved to the Aleutian Islands and let them call THAT California.

And maybe we could all build walls around everyone and everything so we can isolate ourselves from the rest of the world? That way we wouldn't have to deal with "those" people, their problems, their poverty and their deaths. Of course, if any of us ever fell on hard times I guess others would say the same thing. We just need to try harder and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and move ahead.

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

And maybe we could all build walls around everyone and everything so we can isolate ourselves from the rest of the world? That way we wouldn't have to deal with "those" people, their problems, their poverty and their deaths. Of course, if any of us ever fell on hard times I guess others would say the same thing. We just need to try harder and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and move ahead.

Are you perhaps one of the ones wanting to secede from the United States?

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

I for one support the wall. I'm not against immigration just illegal immigration. With the borders as open as they are, and the world situation as it is, I believe we should protect our own. And, give our people the chance to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Without having to support all the illegals.

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

And maybe we could all build walls around everyone and everything so we can isolate ourselves from the rest of the world? That way we wouldn't have to deal with "those" people, their problems, their poverty and their deaths. Of course, if any of us ever fell on hard times I guess others would say the same thing. We just need to try harder and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and move ahead.Are you perhaps one of the ones wanting to secede from the United States?

LOL ... no, I like us just like we are as a part of the USA.
Unfortunately, I think many, MANY have fallen for the propaganda that our taxes somehow support ALL the illegal immigrants here. I know many illegals and they have jobs, pay taxes and just try to make a better life for themselves. I don't think anyone here can give any accurate figures as to how many illegals are on welfare and food stamps. I think most of the propaganda is about spewing hate and bigotry. Keep saying it enough and it will suddenly become true. As Christians we are called upon to help our fellow humans no mater what their race or country. "Take care of ourselves" is just another hate phrase to use as an excuse to wall ourselves off from the world. EVERYONE, including the American Indians have ancestors that immigrated here. If they had been turned away NONE of us would be enjoying the lifestyle we have. In fact, we as immigrants, killed millions of residents so we could take over their land and enslave them. Without giving them welfare.

Lets face it. No one is targeting the Dutch, the French, the English or any other pale skinned race. Jesus was from the Middle East. Jesus was dark skinned. Jesus was the biggest liberal ever. He healed with out expectation of pay. He gave people new life after death. He gave freely without any though as to compensation. If anyone, as a so called Christian, is to push away another human then they should stop calling themselves a Christian and move on to another religion.

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

If anyone, as a so called Christian, is to push away another human then they should stop calling themselves a Christian and move on to another religion.

I have to agree. There is sooo much hateful bigotry in the United States it saddens me. It distorts people mentally and physically. I can see it in their sour faces at the grocery store. A man working for Garmin was killed because he existed in our country. The only reason we are here enjoying the freedoms of the USA is because of the fortunate accident of birth.

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

All this reminds me of something. This side of the pond we call it Brexit.

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

And maybe we could all build walls around everyone and everything so we can isolate ourselves from the rest of the world? That way we wouldn't have to deal with "those" people, their problems, their poverty and their deaths. Of course, if any of us ever fell on hard times I guess others would say the same thing. We just need to try harder and pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and move ahead.Are you perhaps one of the ones wanting to secede from the United States?LOL ... no, I like us just like we are as a part of the USA.Unfortunately, I think many, MANY have fallen for the propaganda that our taxes somehow support ALL the illegal immigrants here. I know many illegals and they have jobs, pay taxes and just try to make a better life for themselves. I don't think anyone here can give any accurate figures as to how many illegals are on welfare and food stamps. I think most of the propaganda is about spewing hate and bigotry. Keep saying it enough and it will suddenly become true. As Christians we are called upon to help our fellow humans no mater what their race or country. "Take care of ourselves" is just another hate phrase to use as an excuse to wall ourselves off from the world. EVERYONE, including the American Indians have ancestors that immigrated here. If they had been turned away NONE of us would be enjoying the lifestyle we have. In fact, we as immigrants, killed millions of residents so we could take over their land and enslave them. Without giving them welfare.Lets face it. No one is targeting the Dutch, the French, the English or any other pale skinned race. Jesus was from the Middle East. Jesus was dark skinned. Jesus was the biggest liberal ever. He healed with out expectation of pay. He gave people new life after death. He gave freely without any though as to compensation. If anyone, as a so called Christian, is to push away another human then they should stop calling themselves a Christian and move on to another religion.

Well said! Like button clicked (if there were one)

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

I for one support the wall. I'm not against immigration just illegal immigration. With the borders as open as they are, and the world situation as it is, I believe we should protect our own. And, give our people the chance to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Without having to support all the illegals.

You might want to look into what it would take to build the wall such as the terrain along the Rio Grande where it is extremely rugged. Or take a look at the areas where walls already exist where they just tunnel under it or go around. We need to fix immigration, not try to go back to isolationism (look how well that did for us in the early 1900s). We need to figure out a way for some like the migrant farmworkers which this country needs but gripes about by setting up a way for them to be here legally for a short period of time. Interviews I've seen with a number of illegals that are working, paying taxes, etc have said the only reason they are illegal is the process and cost to enter legally is ridiculous. They would rather be here legally even if they have to go back time to time.

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