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Just want to discuss the world's isues

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Now retired from teaching and miss discussions with the kids. Looking forward to sitting here nude and chatting about all things from social issues, to backpacking, to outdoor nude explorations, and ideas for outdoor meetups.

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

Did anyone actually read the initial question / statement and make some sort of reply to the retired teacher's post? This was mine concerning his yearning for topical discussions that he missed from his California middle school students:

"Now that's an open invitation to create a little bit of dialogue...should California be allowed to secede or should the union 'just say no'? Would you need a passport to travel across the border to Arizona or Mexico? Would you consider Hollywood a US or Republic of California enterprise? It has all sorts of possibilities doesn't it?? Think of all the tax savings!!".

This was an attempt to get started on posts that would try and account for all the 'start-ups' a separated California could encounter. I would start with currency, trade rules, maintaining their own defense network, diplomatic ties, official language, would the US put a tariff on Hollywood movies as an imported product, and yes...even border control...and the related logistics. You all get an... "F"...for not reading the original question and answering what you thought was posed. We can really do better!

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

So should the USA return all the land they ''STOLE'' from Mexico as the Mexicans are just trying to reclaim their land.

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

California can stay right where it is part of the USA until the big earthquake breaks it off and it goes floating off into the ocean and becomes it's own little island of the Pacific Coast.

Well it will be around a long time then since the main fault runs from San Francisco to just east of LA and San Diego so only a small portion would separate and then only if the plates were separating instead of sliding along each other.

The CALEXIT talk and push is really just a movement to send a message to Washington. Actually separating would never be approved and the complexity of handling everying from water, power grids, and other infrastructure would be a nightmare.

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

I think you have it backwards. We don't support them, they support us.

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

The CALEXIT talk and push is really just a movement to send a message to Washington. Actually separating would never be approved and the complexity of handling everying from water, power grids, and other infrastructure would be a nightmare.

The power grid should not be a problem. The power grid for the west coast is already international, as British Columbia and Alberta are part of it. So is northern Baja, Mexico. BC Hydro and LA are on the same grid.
Western Power Grid

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

The CALEXIT talk and push is really just a movement to send a message to Washington. Actually separating would never be approved and the complexity of handling everying from water, power grids, and other infrastructure would be a nightmare.

I've just laughed so much I almost wet myself. That's exactly what they said about BREXIT. It's just a protest movement to show Westminster that we're not happy. Now look at us.

Now I didn't vote on BREXIT because I knew that I did not have enough information to make an educated decision. Nobody did, because nobody knew. We still don't

As for the U.S. foreign aid policy. Where do you think that started? I'm all for helping the poor, but the UK has a hell of a lot of poor people

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RE:Just want to discuss the world's isues

I've just laughed so much I almost wet myself. That's exactly what they said about BREXIT. It's just a protest movement to show Westminster that we're not happy. Now look at us.

True but if California were to vote on CALEXIT then it is just a statewide advisory vote. The legislature would then have to vote to apply to congress to exit the union. Congress would then have to approve and I believe it would take more than a simple majority in congress. Unlikely since California on its own is the sixth largest economy in the world and is a tax exporter to the rest of the country. The rest of the country would be very unlikely to allow California to leave the union.

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