Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Every morning I get up about 4 am go down staires to get morning coffee ,and check what new on here , I sit at our island and I can look out our bay window in the living room to see who's coming down my street my paper carrier comes about 4:30 or so nice couple she backs in the lot across from our house and waits for her husband tocome back to the car . The other morning I had to leave for work early and I was backing out of driveway into the lot and relized I left the kitchen light on the I saw you can look right into my kitchen wear I sit every morning lol

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RE:Never thought

Knowing this now, does this mean you are going to change anything about your morning routine? Maybe close the blinds, or just keep doing what you have been doing all along?

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RE:Never thought

Why change now

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RE:Never thought

Yes it does lol

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RE:Never thought

Maybe that's WHY she backs her car in KNOWING you are there. I would do same haha. Kisses Linda

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RE:Never thought

Yes it does lol

Then keep on keeping on.

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RE:Never thought

I used to be a newspaper carrier back when they still had kids delivering the papers on bicycles. I did this for a number of years and got to my customers quite well including knowing what some of them look like without clothing. You see a lot in the early morning hours when it is dark and lights are on in houses. I never thought it odd, strange, wrong or anything, people were just living their lives.

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RE:Never thought

Being a full time nudist in my home when I am driving though neighborhoods I am always on the lookout for people naked in their houses. Not a peeping Tom mind you, just kind of nonchalantly noticing. I just haven't come across anyone yet. Darn it!

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RE:Never thought

Being a full time nudist in my home when I am driving though neighborhoods I am always on the lookout for people naked in their houses. Not a peeping Tom mind you, just kind of nonchalantly noticing. I just haven't come across anyone yet. Darn it!

During my everyday life, when I meet people I do sometimes wonder "if"?

Some people scream it, in how the act or what they say. Others, never in a million years. One work colleague when I said that I'd got my chest sunburnt on the beach was shocked that I'd taken my shirt off LOL

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