Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Everyone become a nudist
Return to DiscussionsComments like this bother me in that it says the government and the people are us vs. them. Have you ever worked in a government office, political or not? Have you ever attended government hearings? Yes politicians can play political games and can be influenced by lobbyists and donors but the majority of the government implementing things are people like you and I and are your neighbors doing their jobs trying to provide services that the people demand but also don't want to pat taxes for. Ever wonder why DMV or other lines are long etc.? People want the services to make sure roads, cars, and drivers are safe but don't want to pay for it. I spent years in legislative offices as a computer consultant and met many politicians and their staff. Some I did not like with the games they played but there were those that I had a lot of respect for as they llistened and truly worked to meet want their constituents wanted but also have to look at the bigger picture of the effects of legislation that the constituency either was not aware of or turned a blind eye to. It a hellacious job. I cannot deny there are those that lose sight and get into the power but the majority are dealing with many people with different wants and needs that can conflict and then try to figure out what irks best but also having to deal with others that have different constituencies.
We seem to have lost sight that there are others with different ideas, needs, views etc and how to compromise.