Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
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Return to DiscussionsI had a heart attack on Aug 22 and it was found I needed a stent
inserted into one of my arteries. I wasn't put on any hard
restrictions during recovery except for lifting until I see the doc
at follow up. I was off work for two weeks and the first couple of
days I kept a tshirt and shorts on. After that, naked all day and
night. I firmly believe it helped with stress and made my recovery
time quicker. I am back to work now and trying to deal with stress
but as soon as I walk through the door at hom the clothes and the stress
come off. Think I am going to let my cardiologist know what I have
found ;)
I had a heart attack on Aug 22 and it was found I needed a stentinserted into one of my arteries. I wasn't put on any hardrestrictions during recovery except for lifting until I see the docat follow up. I was off work for two weeks and the first couple ofdays I kept a tshirt and shorts on. After that, naked all day andnight. I firmly believe it helped with stress and made my recoverytime quicker. I am back to work now and trying to deal with stressbut as soon as I walk through the door at hom the clothes and the stresscome off. Think I am going to let my cardiologist know what I havefound ;)
Sounds like you found a miracle cure....Glad everything is alright with you now.
I had a heart attack on Aug 22 and it was found I needed a stentinserted into one of my arteries. I wasn't put on any hardrestrictions during recovery except for lifting until I see the docat follow up. I was off work for two weeks and the first couple ofdays I kept a tshirt and shorts on. After that, naked all day andnight. I firmly believe it helped with stress and made my recoverytime quicker. I am back to work now and trying to deal with stressbut as soon as I walk through the door at hom the clothes and the stresscome off. Think I am going to let my cardiologist know what I havefound ;)
Wow! Firstly, I'm really sorry to hear you've had a rough time lately but I'm happy that you've made an excellent recovery! I work very long hours and always find that I relax more when I'm naked, I just think that if you like being that way, it makes you happier.
Thanks you! I find myself thinking about getting home and stripping when I have long days or things are not going right, don't need a pill or alcohol just some plain old naked time LOL
I had a heart attack on Aug 22 and it was found I needed a stentinserted into one of my arteries. I wasn't put on any hardrestrictions during recovery except for lifting until I see the docat follow up. I was off work for two weeks and the first couple ofdays I kept a tshirt and shorts on. After that, naked all day andnight. I firmly believe it helped with stress and made my recoverytime quicker. I am back to work now and trying to deal with stressbut as soon as I walk through the door at hom the clothes and the stresscome off. Think I am going to let my cardiologist know what I havefound ;)
Sounds like you found a miracle cure....Glad everything is alright with you now.
Thanks man! Life is too short for so much worry, I am letting it go with my clothes, as least at home lol. And now the wifey understands :)
Sounds like you are much better now, I had 3 stents in but they decided that I needed bypass surgery so Oct,31 2012 I had triple bypass surgery. The restrictions on lifting went out the door pretty quickly because I was unpacking and almost everything I own is heavy. lol Again, glad to hear you feel better.
Really pleased to hear another story of why nudity/nudism is such a healthy life style. Yes, when we shed our clothes, we seem to shed some of our worries and stress at the same time . Being nude is very liberating. Happy for you that your wife now understands. Stay well now!
Like others here, I hope you continue with your recovery. It's nice, too, that you've once again confirmed the healing and stress reduction benefits of nudism. Relating it here is like preaching to the church choir, though it's good hearing your words nonetheless.
I too agrre with with nudity helping with piece of mind, when I had cancer 6 years ago , and the chemotherapy made me ill and had to spend days in hospital I asked the nurses if it was ok to be naked in bed as it made me feel more comfortable and relaxed, and they said if it helps do it.Even my days back home the heating would be on so I could still strip off, I certainly think any recovery start with the mind, and if you are feeling comfortable, ( and if that means being naked ) we should help the mind as much as possible.
Really pleased to hear another story of why nudity/nudism is such a healthy life style. Yes, when we shed our clothes, we seem to shed some of our worries and stress at the same time . Being nude is very liberating. Happy for you that your wife now understands. Stay well now!
Agree. And more so as time goes by