Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
what do you do with your cell phone?
Return to Discussionsthese days most folks seemed to always have their cell phones on them , clipped to their belt or in their pocket. what do you do with your cell phone when around home when there is no belt or pocket? Just curious. I try to keep mine near me by putting it in certain spots that I know where to look for it. There is a specific place in each room that is my mentally designated cell phone spot so that this over 50 brain can find it when i move on to the next area.
what do you do with your cell phone?
I leave it at home. Honestly, unless you're a doctor on call, do you really need a phone on the beach? Is it really that much of a sin to be unreachable for a few hours or an afternoon?
Agree totally, nice for the phone to have a break too.
I thought I had replied earlier but just noticed it is not there,
must've gotten sidetracked and not clicked Reply. Oh
We generally have our cell phones fairly close at all times
especially my wife as she gets calls about her work she must
respond to. At home they are either with us or set down in
specific areas nearby. When at a resort I keep mine on silent
in a velcro pocket on my towel along with my reading glasses etc.
The pocket on the towel is very convenient. Too often
I've received texts I need to respond to, have had to make calls,
or check on something on the internet or email. I do prefer
the days though when nothing happens with it!
My cell phone is a cheap no frills no camera job. It has 2 sims 1 Vietnamese and one Aussie sim.I only carry it if we go out but more often then not it stays wherever it was put when I last checked it.
Often I have to use the wife's phone to call my phone as I have no idea where I left it. A real problem when the battery goes flat. Then its back to the old manual game of hide and seek.
It stays on the charger at home. If I hear it, I answer it. Otherwise, they can leave a voicemail or text that I check at least once or twice a day. It also makes a "knock, knock" sound every few minutes if a message/text is waiting. I might hear that too. If I'm going out naked, my phone is the least of my worries. I would need my keys and wallet and glasses before my phone. So I carry them in a small fanny pack when I need to. I can squeeze a phone in there too if I need to carry it for some reason.
Hey audiobiker what is a pay phone, must have been before my time.
The only pay phone I know is called Trac Phone (one of those pay as
you gocell phones.) Just kidding, we had rotary dial on our
phones when I was younger. I always say to my wife these kids today
would not know what to do if we took their cell phones away. My son
is 26 and has never been without his cell phone. He stops in to see
us at our home or we go visit him at his houseand the whole
time he istexting.I think one of the people had a good idea, using the jogging arm strap. I also wondered if putting it on a small pouch around your neck.As far as when socializing with other nudist, your cell phone should be in a case or some other enclosed holder, this way other nudist know you are not using your phone to take photo's of them or other nudist. I am one of the officers of our local nudist group and we ask all of our members to leave their phones in the car, at home, to block the lens with a sticker we provide them, or place them in a case or enclosed holder. We also ask that if you receive a call or text that you need to take, to leave the area where others are, to take your call or return a text.
At home the signal is such that even if I heard it ring there is no way I could answer it without getting cut off so I'm used to looking at my missed calls list and ringing back as needed.
As a result of this I'm used to leaving my phone and looking at it later to see what I've missed.
I don't even have a cell phone. My landline at home stays on it's charger. No one ever seems to let it ring more than three times before disconnecting and I never seem to be able to get to the phone before that. Very rarely do I see anything on the Caller ID to get me to return the call.