Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...
Working from Home Naked
Return to DiscussionsThese days, more and more workers are working from home, and I am curious how many people do so naked. Obviously, if you have a video conference, textiles are a necessity. But what the rest of your workday? Do you stay naked? I am retired, but when catching up with email, bookkeeping, etc., I'm always naked. Love to hear what you have to say.
I work from home and Im nude most always. If I have a conference call I put on a shirt. But other than that Im free all day. If its cold in the winter Ill cover up a bit sometimes. Ill chat and Skype with other nudist throughout the day too.
A friend of mine who is a semi-retired part-time independent consultant mentioned that he doesn't put on a shirt for video calls. He keeps the camera aimed at his face, and if someone sees enough of his shoulders and upper chest to realize he isn't wearing a shirt, he doesn't care.
I've worked from home for the past 10 years and love to work naked! I'm on sales calls frequently and will take video calls from poolside from the waist up of course. although I did get a post once from a coworker who was curious and thought that they saw my reflection in a window....
although I did get a post once from a coworker who was curious and thought that they saw my reflection in a window....
I often do a zoom call with fellow creative writers donald ducking with just a shirt on. there is mirror behind me and once in a while i
need to get up during the meeting to get something. So far none have commented on my bare legs with the shirt tale not hiding much
Of course I often incorporate casual nudity into my writings and about half the group has soaked with me in my hot tub
When the weather is warm Ill work from home nude, putting on a shirt for video calls. My work has me traveling often and meeting customers and partners face to face in entirely too much clothing. On those trips Im nude only in the hotel and so happy to get home afterwards!