Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

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Naked grave duty

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I could smell something dead near where i park my car, we are having a hot spell going to be in the 90s today, not the odor you really want to inhale. So I went investigating shortly after sun up to see what died. Sure enough I found a raccoon paws up in the landscape plants . I got the Gardenway cart and used the fork lift to lift the body into it. Then rolled the cart across the road and dump into the county ditch, to let nature reclaim the remains. All done in the buff listening for any cars coming along the gravel road. Even very unpleasant task are better done in the buff but may skip breakfast today.

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RE: Naked grave duty

Yeah ... had to do that once! I had a wooden pallet standing
upright in our side yard. Why it wasn't leaning against the
wall ... not sure.It was in asection of the property that isn't visited
every day.Same thing ... smelled it, went to investigate and
found an adult sizeopossum dead under the pallet that had
fallen on top of it. It must have tried to climb it to get
over the wall and the pallet fell on top of it.

I bagged it and called the humane society. They were here
within an hour. I did the duty naked but when the humane
society truck arrived, it wasa younger woman ... so I slipped
on the robe and open the side gate to where the trash cans are and
let her take the bag. I think I skipped breakfast too!

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RE: Naked grave duty

I had a similar situation years ago. Unfortunately, that was before I saw the light and shed my clothes.
I had a plastic sheet that I used to use to cover my motorbike. When the bike went, the sheet stayed.
One day when tidying the yard I moved to the sheet to fold it properly and found a dead rat in there. The thing that struck me was that this rat was bigger than most domestic cats. Quite scary for a simple Yorkshire bloke

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RE: Naked grave duty

A Forklift to lift a raccoon into the cart??? That must have been one big raccoon if you had to use a forklift!

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RE: Naked grave duty

woke up one night to my cat growling at one of the other cats. Turned out it had a bird in it's mouth. Pretty sure it was dead but when I went to take it away the cat ran out the bathroom window. went back to bed. Woke up again and heard cat growling. Same thing. out the window. Next time i woke up to a crunching noise. Go into the bathroom and there in the tub was the cat chewing on the remainder of the bird. ended up taking away a leg and thigh. Pretty disgusting. Now we have a small coyote stalking our chickens. Wife saw it outside the coup this morning. One chicken went missing when we were out of town. The good egg layer. She yelled at the coyote and it took off. Let the dogs out later and they went crazy over the scent. Hoping it gets the message.

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RE: Naked grave duty

A Forklift to lift a raccoon into the cart??? That must have been one big raccoon if you had to use a forklift!how about if i added the word 'garden' in front of fork? Good a catch. But that raccoon had eaten a lot of the food i put out for the barn cats so it was larger than average.

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RE: Naked grave duty

When I sold my last house I told them that my Mother in Law was buried under one tree and her dog was under a smaller tree next to it And when Mother in Law died I had to bury her ashes.
not sure about the laws around here on that. but i like the concept. ever see the play " Exit Laughing" ? some humor about dying coupled with some ashes.

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RE: Naked grave duty

From this title, I was thinking this was going to be a discussion about folks working the night shift and getting naked when no one was around!!!!

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RE: Naked grave duty again

I got home today and looked out at the backyard. 2 ground hogs lounging there. one carefully aimed shot out the bathroom window and one less ground hog munching on the landscaping. body now in the ditch with it's brother and cousin after a naked funeral procession with the garden fork leading the way. no headlights on and no I did not put a flag on either.

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