Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Thanks to having the next 11 days off I can wake up naked, have my coffee naked and stay naked all day long!
The wife and I are hoping to meet some local nudist who would enjoy our pool and 18 acres of private land with us. We are hoping to get a core group of mainly couples so everyone feels comfortable and free. There are no nude recreation areas in NW...
I am a long time nudist and want to enlarge my nudist local friends.Would love to get together naked and get to know each other and have some quality time.
One thing I have noticed at work is that I get warmer easier and can't wait to get home and strip! Home now and it feels sooooo good! Anyone else have that problem when you have to be dressed?
For a dare I went for a 30 minutewalk round my village at around 5am this morning. I was spotted by a car on the main road, otherwise unseen. It was so refreshing, not cold and full daylight. Later in the day I had to walk some of the same roads,...
My neighbor came out of the woods behind my house. He owns it and it is the back edge of my property. I had my barely there shorts on, an old pair of cotton boxers with sides slit and crotch material gone. He never commented on my almost nude...
Are you looking for a place where you can be nude all the time and share a homely life with others? You have found the right place. Exterior, bright and airy, relaxing and clean flat just in one of the best areas in Madrid centre. Ideal for...
I was in my front yard in my barely there shorts looking back at the house. I have ivy growing on the banisters. I realized that the ivy was full enough to hide me from any road view when i sit on the deck chairs. So i sat out side bare ass nude not...
I could smell something dead near where i park my car, we are having a hot spell going to be in the 90s today, not the odor you really want to inhale. So I went investigating shortly after sun up to see what died. Sure enough I found a raccoon paws...
I'm back after my old account was deleted . I do not know why. However I am still here happy to be part of this group . With neurofibromatosis that harms me aesthetically it gives me strength to be and show me how I am. An affectionate greeting...