Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

OK Ive been wanting to ask this for a while. Are you (R)
Republican/conservative or (D) Democrat/Liberal? I ask not for your
political views and even ask that you not express them here because some
feel very strongly and don't want this thread to go that direction. I
ask only to know if there are more of one than the other.
I'm R
Please don't let this be a political battle.
Stay nude

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RE: R or D

Yeah this is something I font discuss so I'll just say I vote for the best person for our country

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RE: R or D

I vote R...I will stop there.

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RE: R or D

The question is too "either/or" for me, too black and white. Voters aren't like that. There are lots of varying degrees of "conservativeness" and "liberalness" in both parties. Reagan had the "Reagan Democrats" and Clinton had the "Clinton Conservatives" a fair number of whom were actually moderate, swing-voting centrists.

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RE: R or D


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RE: R or D

I tend to vote R, but am more Libertarian than R or D in my thinking. prefer fewer rules, less interference from government, spending what you have, not more, and spending what you can and making what rules you must lifting people up, rather than tearing them down, less war machine, less greed and selfishness, better infrastructure, more sustainable, less drilling and polluting, more tolerance of differing views and beliefs such as nudity in public places.I have tended to vote R due to their pro small government stance, but when given the chance they haven't followed through, and the religious intolerance that seems to be growing is hard to swallow, while at the same time the D idea that they know better than me where to spend my money and that the 1% are demons is also hard to take. if wealth is earned through creativity and excellence, it should be honored and respected for what it has provided and what it can provide in terms of role models for personal aspiration to improve and philanthropy as well.let me be nude, take what taxes you need and make what rules you must to keep the infrastructure whole and be good global citizens and stewards, and otherwise let me choose what charity and business to support with any excess earnings. simple platform, but unavailable as a choice today.
Worntreads sums it up well for me. I tend to pull the R mainly because there are many times that Libertarian is on the ballet.

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RE: R or D

Conservative Republican. But also a #NeverTrump guy. The media finally got their wish.

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RE: R or D

I tend to stay in the middle of things.. some issues one would call me R and others they would call me D. I won't list any issues or how I lean towards them, as I don't want to spark heated debate or responses towards me.

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RE: R or D

I lean R.


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RE: R or D

R or some other choice, never D

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RE: R or D

Former R that reregistered as D about 2 years ago but probably more associated with M (wish there were an M or Moderate party)

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