Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
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Nudists in the Textile World
Return to DiscussionsI've been searching for other nudists in my area. There isn't a nude beach here and my local nudist club is the only place I know where nudists are. I've chatted with people in the textile world and they have heard that some where in the planet there are nudists, but other than that they are in shock to meet a nudist. It seems like there aren't any nudists or nudist curious people out there. I would like to hear stories of how people met nudists other than the nude beach or the nudist clubs and resorts. How did you bring up the subject of nudism?
I've been searching for other nudists in my area. There isn't a nude beach here and my local nudist club is the only place I know where nudists are. I've chatted with people in the textile world and they have heard that some where in the planet there are nudists, but other than that they are in shock to meet a nudist. It seems like there aren't any nudists or nudist curious people out there. I would like to hear stories of how people met nudists other than the nude beach or the nudist clubs and resorts. How did you bring up the subject of nudism?
That is a perennial problem in the UK in spite of the fact that a quarter of the adult population has indulged in naked swimming and/or sunbathing.
I wear nudist club, resort and beach logo t shirts when it warms up, as it is now. Occasionally, I'll get someone to come up to me and say, "I've been there!, or I've heard of that place!" The best conversation I've had was with a young female barista at Starbucks. I wore my Black's Beach t shirt one day and went in for coffee. She saw it, read it and said ... "I've heard of Black's. Is it very far?, I really want to go there." We talked for a minute or two but there was a line and I said, "I'm willing to tell you all about it if you'd like. Whenever you have a little time."
I was drinking my coffee and eating my pastry outside when she came out to straighten and clean up the patio area. She actually sat down and said, " I have some time now!" We talked about Black's, how to get there, the crowd, the good and the bad. I also told her about our club and the resorts we visited. One thing she was unsure of was who she'd get to go with her. She even asked if she could go with me and my wife. I told her we were willing to visit with her but she'd probably have more fun with a friend her own age. She agreed.
Most times, I don't get any response or ... sighs or rolling eyes.
When you start talking about 'nudism', most folks either think about the 'nudist camp' photos they drooled over as kids with 'dirty magazines' or a bunch of pervy old guys watching the few women at clothing optional resorts. All this talk on this site about breast types, shaved pubes, and home nudism where wives don't participate isn't helping that image. We travel a lot, mostly on big ship cruises. We meet lots of people. When asked what we're doing on beach island visits, wecasually let folks know that we like the beaches where we don't have to wear clammy suits out of the water. After eyes widen, we talk about how nice it is to enjoy sea, sun, and air. Usually, two or three couples, who never imagined themselves on a nude beach, join us. At home, when talking about our travels, we do similarly. It's amazing the number of hair dressers, doctor office assistants, retail store clerks, and parents atkids soccer games then intimate that they've experimented with nudism.Let folks know what you enjoy, don't drool when talking about nudism, and don't come across as pervy. You'll meet nudists.
I actually haven't met anyone locally either but did friend some on here and we have met at the nude beach nearby. Thought of joining a local nudist club butwith my work I have to be careful who I tell or knows. If I was retired then I wouldn't care. Wife knows. Kids know.
When you start talking about 'nudism', most folks either think about the 'nudist camp' photos they drooled over as kids with 'dirty magazines' or a bunch of pervy old guys watching the few women at clothing optional resorts. All this talk on this site about breast types, shaved pubes, and home nudism where wives don't participate isn't helping that image. We travel a lot, mostly on big ship cruises. We meet lots of people. When asked what we're doing on beach island visits, wecasually let folks know that we like the beaches where we don't have to wear clammy suits out of the water. After eyes widen, we talk about how nice it is to enjoy sea, sun, and air. Usually, two or three couples, who never imagined themselves on a nude beach, join us. At home, when talking about our travels, we do similarly. It's amazing the number of hair dressers, doctor office assistants, retail store clerks, and parents atkids soccer games then intimate that they've experimented with nudism.Let folks know what you enjoy, don't drool when talking about nudism, and don't come across as pervy. You'll meet nudists.
I think that your comments are sound advice and I can identify with the experiences you describe. Subtle hints in conversations we've had have led to discovering shared interests in nudism, I'm very open about being a nudist while my partner is more cautious because of her work, between us we've managed to hit on ways of mentioning places where nudists go without necessarily saying the name, fellow nudists will likely pick up on what we mean, those who don't share our preference to be socially naked either don't know what we're hinting at or choose to pass on it.
We've met nudists in various non-nude social situations, "you'll meet nudists", there are a lot of us out there in the textile world.
BTW, other posts in this thread make good points too.
Everyone around me knows I'm a nudist and we chat and joke about it from time to time. They are envious of the many holidays I go on and know they are all nudist holidays. Some have seen me naked by chance. I don't push it and I haven't found nudist friends through the textile world. But I have built up a number of nudist friends - through TN, through a non-landed club I go to and mostly through meeting them on holiday.
Great discussion going on here, so I thought I would jump in.
A little background is necessary......
I discovered nudism years ago while living in Europe. I stumbled across a nude area while hiking on the Danube River - as there you can just do it, within reason, no need for out of the way clubs, resorts etc. I was so nervous, embarrassed, etc when I first realized where I was. It was not until I joined in that I suddenly felt completely at ease and relaxed. I was hooked!
Fast forward a bit, I returned to the states and started dating someone. It was serious. I made the intimations about finding someplace to go nude, which was retuned wth a laugh off. The most I ever was able to coax my now ex-wife to do was topless for a few minutes in South Beach. While her inablitliy to accept nudism was not the reason for our divorce, it was symptomatic of her inability to support me. But I digress.
I am now divorcee for 2 years. After my divorce, I made a decision that I would never again subvert my wants and as part of this, I have been open with women that I date that I really enjoy being nude - be that at home while we are just hanging out or if that means finding a nudist area to visit. To my surprise, the vast majority of women have been completely open to the I idea!! None have been closed off or run away shrieking or ended the relationship. I found this very surprising and great!!!
However, the sad part has been what usually follows after the initial interest....."Maybe we can go after I lose a few pounds?" "I like the idea but no one wants to see me naked" or some other self-deprivation or disparaging commentary.
I always try to explain that they are missing the point! That nudism is not about that at all. It is about being proud and confident in one's own skin!! In my opinion, nudism is the complete opposite of what they think.
It is this, to me, that is so attractive about nudism. It is a great equalizer. There are no airs amongst nudists. Nudist tend to be truly naked - both physically and intellectually......allowing everything out in the open!!!
I have rambled on enough.
If you have read this far, thanks!