Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Should be customary umong nudists

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I've always wished that their was a strict custom that you MUST COMPLETELY disrobe when entering a nudists home and stay completely nude for the duration of the visit in the same manner as when you enter a Japanese persons home you must take your shoes off and keep them off...

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

We totally agree.My husband and I are always naked in our home.We wish when people come over they get naked instead of us getting dress.

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

I am usually not that strict. But maybe I should be. After all - whenever I visit the home of a vegetarian I am expected to eat like a vegetation although I am a non-vegetarian. And I gladly adjust to their practice.

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

We totally agree.My husband and I are always naked in our home.We wish when people come over they get naked instead of us getting dress.I would love that! My fiance and I wish we knew more people like that

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

I've always wished that their was a strict custom that you MUST COMPLETELY disrobe when entering a nudists home and stay completely nude for the duration of the visit in the same manner as when you enter a Japanese persons home you must take your shoes off and keep them'd not get many visitors if that were the case

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

I've always wished that their was a strict custom that you MUST COMPLETELY disrobe when entering a nudists home and stay completely nude for the duration of the visit in the same manner as when you enter a Japanese persons home you must take your shoes off and keep them'd not get many visitors if that were the caseI am good either way . . . if they aren't comfortable disrobing then so be it . . . I'd prefer they would but I respect anybody's feelings on such. I've enjoyed visitors while being the only nude person in the house and I have enjoyed fabulous afternoons/evenings socializing in the buff . . .the lot of us. jy

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

I am usually not that strict. But maybe I should be.After all - whenever I visit the home of a vegetarian I am expectedto eat like a vegetation although I am a non-vegetarian. And Igladly adjust to their practice.
In the name of reciprocity and mutual respect - since I am expected
to adjust to their lifestyle by cooking vegetarian food when they
are coming over to my house - shouldn't I be able to expect them to
remove their clothes when I am coming over to visit them - or at
least allow me to be naked? ;-)

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists


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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

I agree with the principal idea BUT not all would agree with being naked when visiting a naturists home as they maybe on the shy side or worried that others may see them or children about. I for one would be quite happy to strip off when visiting naturists as I feel comfortable naked when and where ever I can be.

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

Although this would probably keep the Mother in Law from dropping in at the worst times, I don't feel you can force your beliefs or opinions on others. We might be comfortable nude, but many others are not. I think it's disrespectful to force them into what is comfortable for you when they are a guest.Food is a good analogy. I have severe gastro-intestinal problems, and what I can eat safely is pretty limited. If I go to someone's house and they are eating something I cannot have, I politely decline. To force it on me could be disastrous.

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

It goes without saying that food allergies and other medical conditions must always be respected.When introducing thefood analogy I was referring to voluntarylifestyle choices - which I also respect. Some people prefer to live their life without eating meat while others prefer to live theirs without wearing clothes - and there is overlap between the two groups. I am sad that the nudist lifestyle is often the one that ismost misunderstood and therefore the least respected.

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