Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Diferent countries diferent reality
Return to DiscussionsEvery country in the world has some degree of humanitarian challenge.
Here in Canada it is the continued prejudice against the First Nations Peoples. Our original peoples live in poverty on reservations that are basically ghettos. The few that have signed new agreements with the Federal Government have taken back their culture and are developing their own governance and economy. But the rest still are just the same, poor as ever, subjugated to out of date laws and are basically ignored until a major healthproblem only found in third world countries develops and becomes news. Thenativewomen killed on the HWY of Tears still have not been fully respected. Many years went by as more and more native women were killed or disappeared and still inquiries were denied by the Federal Government of the day. Our new Federal Government is trying to start the process to change all that. Even though we didn't massacre our native peoples we did other equally despicable things to them such as removing their children and placing them in residential schools and their culture was forced out of them (it continued in secret) by Catholic Priests and Nuns. The damage done was equal to genocide as thousands of children were either abused or killed while under this system.The result is a whole generation of people today who don't have parenting skills, are dysfunctional, and suffer from the abuse in multiple ways such as suicide, alcoholism and drugs. The process stripped them of their way of life which in turn made them reliant on the white capitalistic society without giving them the tools necessary to live in that society. It is slowlystarting tofaced up to the fact it is responsible for what it did to our original peoples in the not so distant past.
There is also a prejudice against people of colour as well as people from the middle east. Second generation people whose parents or grandparents came from Iran etc. have hateful messages sent their way, spit upon and worse and these people were born here! The colour prejudice just as in the USA is more often than not isinstigated by our police. Unfortunately it doesn't just stop with people of a different coloured skin, accent indicating a ''foreigner'' is also a trigger for police to act with undue violence. And then there is the prejudice against street people, our mentally challenged people whowere turned out onto the streets when the institutions were closed to save money. Someone sleeping on a bench is fined by the same officer every morning simply because that is the law. Some street people have fines in the thousands and they can never hope to pay them off. That's not just nor even sane, to treat people who don't have the abilities to cope with life as criminals. But we have old out dated silly laws.Yes, we have problems in Canada. In such a rich and modern country in this day and age we should have different problems not embarrassing problems how we treat our citizens.
The 'Austerity' programme is hitting the poorest and most vulnerable in almost every developed nation around the world with the media supporting a process of demonisation and blame transfer onto the victims and away from perpetrators. Don't be too surprised if they turn on nudists at some point as a convenient scapegoat.
Interesting comments. In Australia, despite the revisionists, we did massacre our first peoples and other atrocities in the 1800's and 1900's till quite recently. Yes we also have a prudish attitude to nudity despite our weather being perfect in many part for not wearing clothes unless the temp is wrong. Refugees are someone else's problem! Yet in1953, Australia and USA took 10,000's of homeless from Greece after the 1953 earthquake. what has happened to our societies since? Nude swimming in the YMCA was expected etc etc Boys were nude in Trafalgar square and on the Thames river
In greece there are 5 to 8 suicide per day uniployment unificile 72%,it is sad that not only in greece people dont have vision or any direction,its like step by step we are losing oure humanity,i belive the root of the problem its capitalism that dont allow any ethical,valeu or freedom to any society,making money for religion paper that have more valeu than human life or any life sorry but in order to change things we have to start read books that will make us open mind,