Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
How do I encourage my partner to accept my nudity at home?
Return to DiscussionsAn unwilling partner is not uncommon - and there is no fixed answer - but my take is maybe if you just did it anyway - by being a bit wary you are reinforcing her subconscious that it is wrong or risky
Has she actually said she objects to you being naked downstairs ?? Or is it just that you don't want to upset her
Have you actually had a conversation about it and tried to find common ground or see what the issues are for her ??
Anyway keep us posted on any progress
Firstly, well done on getting this far. Many haven't.
You could try "the cowards way" and just slowly increase the amount of time you're naked downstairs.
Or you could have "that chat".
It may be that she has just never even thought about it and just automatically dresses before coming downstairs.
It may be that she simply considers upstairs as private space just for the two of you , and she has no problems being naked there.
It may be that she has concerns about being seen naked if she goes downstairs.
It could be many things, but until you ask you don't know. What I will say is don't force the issue and accept her choices.
I'm naked 99% of the time at home, but Mar isn't. We're both happy with that
Most of my friends are not nudists, but they know I am. My wife and I met at a nudist park, but she is more comfortable with a long shirt and bra on. We have a sign on the driveway advising visitors we are clothing optional and giving our phone number if they need us dressed. My sons usually wear boxers.
So more often than not, I am the only naked person at my home. When friends visit, or we have workers in the house, I am naked unless they have pre arranged me to be clothed. At first it seemed awkward being the only naked one, but now it is just comfortable.
Like most nudist husbands, I'm nude around the house (or right now in a hotel room) more than my wife. She has no problem with this and even encourages it. The point I want to make is, I've told her a number of times how much I appreciate her support. I've also mentioned to her other wives are not like her and forbid their husbands to be nude around the house. I believe complementing her support helps reinforce our nudist living arrangements.
My wife is rarely nude at home, but she accepts that I prefer to be when it is warm enough and no one else is home.
In fact, if it is just the 2 of us and I have clothes on, she will ask me why I am not naked.
Am always nude at home alone. My partner and I both sleep naked and will both happily go about our business upstairs naked but she won't be naked downstairs and this saps a bit if my confidence to be naked around her downstairs??
Nothing you have said in the above statement suggests to me that she does not accept your nudity. It's just that she won't be nude downstairs, where as it seems like she probably doesn't object to you being nude down there. Where/ what is the problem overall? Has anything changed for you in the past 7 months?
Everyone has their own comfort levels. You say she is nude everywhere except downstairs. She doesn't object to you being nude downstairs. I do not see any problem. You are naked where you are comfortable and she is nude where she is comfortable. Give her the space she needs. Be happy that she likes being nude upstairs. Many people do not have that much.
I have always been the nudists it's only been the last 10 years that my wife has shown any interest in joining me l let her do it on her own she has started going to clubs with me dressed but she goes ladt summer she started going nude after we ate who knows what next summer will bring
You really can't influence your partner to do something they don't want to. All you can do is be true to yourself and be normal about it. Acceptance and participation are two different things. Just because your partner won't does not mean she is against you doing it. Be true and be normal about it.
The other thing you need to be aware of is the very powerful and professional multi-million advertising campaigns aimed at giving women a negative body image in order to make money out of them.
This can have a very powerful effect on women and make them much more reluctant to be seen as they beautifully are.