Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Pool or darts
Return to DiscussionsRE:Pool or darts
I am pretty bad at pool and even worse at darts, so if it was a strip pool or darts type game where the loser sheds a piece of clothing, I would pick darts so I would be the first one naked. If it was a game where everyone started out naked I would pick pool.
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RE:Pool or darts if it was a strip pool or darts type game where the loser sheds a piece of clothing...
I would think that as nudists, we'd play games where we put an item of clothing back on! LOL
For me, I prefer pool (not that I'm any better at pool than at darts lol).
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