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A dictatorship underway in Italy
Return to DiscussionsBest wishes to everyone from Italy. I am writing this post, a little off topic with respect to the group's intentions to bring to your knowledge the very serious events that have been happening in Italy for a couple of years now. I know that something similar is happening almost everywhere in the world but here in Italy it is taking place in a particularly strong way and with a very strong censorship of anything that says something different to the voice of the government. Huge discrimination is carried out against people who are not vaccinated (or vaccinated with only one or two doses) effectively preventing them from working, making non-essential food purchases, asking for documents such as passports, accessing banks, attending bars, restaurants , public meetings. In fact, only strictly essential food items, medicines and very little else are allowed. Any treatment other than the vaccine is prohibited or otherwise hindered. The doctors who oppose are disbarred from the professional register and placed on condition not to work. Doctors who publicly talked about alternative treatments were killed. Nothing that really happens in Italy is communicated abroad and a climate of growing hatred towards unvaccinated people is constantly fed, the newspapers can only publish what the government has said. I myself am seriously at risk of losing my job within a few days and reduced to extremely precarious conditions. I am writing this so that we know that Italy is under a dictatorial regime, and the saddest thing is the blind resignation and the total absence of reason of the majority of the population. I think it is right that this situation be brought to the attention of those who, living outside Italy, do not know the real situation we are experiencing. Thanks for the attention.
Take a look at it from another viewpoint as one immunocompromised with other risk factors. That individual has as much right as anyone else to go shopping etc. But they cant without severely being put at risk of ending up in the hospital and very possibly dead. They are doing everything they can to avoid putting themselves at risk as they take as many precautions as reasonably possible by getting vaccinated, getting boosted, wearing masks (properly), avoiding large crowds etc. BUT, others that dont care about anybody but themselves and claim its their right not to wear a mask, get vaccinated are seriously risking the first persons health and life. Its BS that its someones right not to wear a mask or get vaccinated all they are doing is infringing upon the first persons rights.
Plus, why the hell wouldnt someone want to train their body to fight this thing? How do you train your body? Get vaccinated. The vaccines are not weird concoctions that fight the virus, they are simply delivery systems of bits of things that teach your body to identify and fight the virus. People say, its not tested. Again, BS, its far more tested than a med Ive been on for well over 10 years but there are only a few hundred thousand people on it. That compared to billions of vaccines given over a couples years.
Take a look at it from another viewpoint as one immunocompromised with other risk factors. That individual has as much right as anyone else to go shopping etc. But they cant without severely being put at risk of ending up in the hospital and very possibly dead. They are doing everything they can to avoid putting themselves at risk as they take as many precautions as reasonably possible by getting vaccinated, getting boosted, wearing masks (properly), avoiding large crowds etc. BUT, others that dont care about anybody but themselves and claim its their right not to wear a mask, get vaccinated are seriously risking the first persons health and life. Its BS that its someones right not to wear a mask or get vaccinated all they are doing is infringing upon the first persons rights.Plus, why the hell wouldnt someone want to train their body to fight this thing? How do you train your body? Get vaccinated. The vaccines are not weird concoctions that fight the virus, they are simply delivery systems of bits of things that teach your body to identify and fight the virus. People say, its not tested. Again, BS, its far more tested than a med Ive been on for well over 10 years but there are only a few hundred thousand people on it. That compared to billions of vaccines given over a couples years.
I have to say, I totally agree. Louis Pasteur created the idea of vaccines over a hundred years ago, and it's been the tried and true method to eliminate deadly diseases. I hate that the vaccination idea became "political" thereby splitting people ideologically like crips and bloods when a virus doesn't care who you vote for or what you believe. I'm tired of not being able to go out and enjoy things because many people won't take the simplest of precautions, and it's because of that that this pandemic remains so drawn out.
The story I heard that is sad but cracked me up at the same time was about an anti-vaxer that caught COVID, ended up in the hospital and ICU, spent over a month in the hospital and is now crying about having massive medical bills.
Hmmmm, I wonder how that couldve been prevented?
I find the responses to this post disturbing. Hes talking about a dictatorship, murders, and censorship. And the response is that their selfish for not taking gene therapy? This is like reading Mein Kampf.
Not all the vaccines are mRNA, and even those that are arent really gene therapy. They are all designed to stimulate that generation of antibodies and T Cells not modify your own genetics. Categorising the Covid vaccines as gene therapy is grossly irresponsible,
But what does that have to do with murder, dictatorship and censorship? Its like these crimes just gloss over some people. Im not Italian, I'v never been to Italy, but I am empathetic enough not to belittle somone from elswhere in the name of Covid.
But what does that have to do with murder, dictatorship and censorship? Its like these crimes just gloss over some people.
Well this is the internet, so we don't know if any of that is true, or just the ramblings of mentally ill, delusional, or misinformed people being repeated. Restrictions and rules for public safety are going to seem like Dictator like actions to these people. As far as censorship, it would probably be a good thing just to keep the uninformed opinions and scammers from doing harm to the public. I have heard a lot of nonsense about the vaccine. My wife is one of those who listened to the nonsense and refused to get the shots. That means I am forced to be a hermit, so that I don't bring it home to her :-(
Suicide is illegal in most places, but how many have refused the vaccine and died from covid as a result? Let's face it they essentially committed suicide. A lot of people put a lot of time and effort into suicide prevention, and the suicidal resent that.
Besides I believe Covid was mentioned in the original post.
Suicide is illegal in most places, but how many have refused the vaccine and died from covid as a result? Let's face it they essentially committed suicide. A lot of people put a lot of time and effort into suicide prevention, and the suicidal resent that.Besides I believe Covid was mentioned in the original post.
Yes, it was. On a side note along the lines of your suicide comment I understand that life insurance companies are now writing clauses in policies that say if you die of COVID and were not vaccinated then they dont pay. Essentially they are say the same.
Well this is the internet, so we don't know if any of that is true.. .As far as censorship, it would probably be a good thing just to keep the uninformed opinions and scammers from doing harm to the public.
You don't need to be wilfully ignorant if you don't wan't to be. But it does require an open and unbiased investigative mind. You can't conduct unbiased investigation without open access to information. And if information is to be censored who is to be responsible for saying what is right? How is one to verify that what they are told is true if they cannot know for themselves? Secrecy bears mistrust. Research is conducted all around. Truth is found through the fire.
No one is going to know everything and to acknowledge ignorance is Honorable. To be ignorant and seek is wise. To be openly ignorant and make claim is the food of fools....don't know if any of that is true, or just the ramblings of mentally ill, delusional, or misinformed people being repeated. Restrictions and rules for public safety are going to seem like Dictator like actions to these people.
The alternative to ignorance is to deem others as "mentally ill, delusional, or misinformed people being repeated"? That's a lot of people. When did they become mentally ill and delusional? Were they that way 3 years ago? And how do you know they are uninformed if the information on the topic is censored and you yourself don't want it known? How strange it would be to advocate ignorance yet grow ones own knowing. So odd is it to be champion without challenger. When did these titles trade objectivity for shackles?Since I have fought against these [mentally ill] ideas-, since I have conquered and stamped out this peril, I fancy that I possess a better comprehension of its character than do these men who have only to deal with it in the field of literature. -Hitler
Please respect each other and do not make light the plight of your neighbours. I never thought I would see the day when people of another land are treated harshly by the west for voicing concern of their nations liberty.