Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

these hot days are the best to lay spread eagle, naked and free with a nice cool breeze caressing my naked skin. I am always naked at home.

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I reduced the heat by swimming and cleaning my pool for about 2 hours

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I wish. Been waiting for some decent sunshine today. Even half decent would've done. Oh well... luckily it's still warm enough indoors to maintain a footwear only situation...ha ha!

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The warm weather been nice. I've spent most of the day on a floatie in the pool.

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It was in the low 90s here in north Florida; that is actually a break from last week . We had a weather front come through with rain, light wind and a slight drop in temperature. The wife & I went out to the pool about 3:30 PM and stayed for about 3 hours before the mosquitoes started their dinner. Those things always love me, yum, warm, oxygenated blood! Anyway, it was a nice afternoon and a great way to beat the heat. I do hope everyone else was as lucky.

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