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Working from Home Naked

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These days, more and more workers are working from home, and I am curious how many people do so naked. Obviously, if you have a video conference, textiles are a necessity. But what the rest of your workday? Do you stay naked? I am retired, but when catching up with email, bookkeeping, etc., I'm always naked. Love to hear what you have to say.

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RE:Working from Home Naked

These days, more and more workers are working from home, and I am curious how many people do so naked. Obviously, if you have a video conference, textiles are a necessity. But what the rest of your workday? Do you stay naked? I am retired, but when catching up with email, bookkeeping, etc., I'm always naked. Love to hear what you have to say.
I never had the opportunity to work from home during business hours. However, when I was catching up at home I would sometimes be nude when I did so.
The first 5 years after I retired, I remained active in my profession's committee structure. I was often nude for audio only calls and prep and follow-up work.

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RE:Working from Home Naked

In my home office usually I work in the nude.
I have a shirt at reach in case of a video call.
Would be funny if the counterpart in the video call was a nudist, too, and also just covers up for the call.
Can you think of some sort of secret signal among nudists so the could get naked again during the call?

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RE:Working from Home Naked

@ChrisChross - I once had to be present as charity treasurer at a video conference about a quarter-million grant while I was on holiday at a nudist hotel. There was also a charity trustees' video conference to precede the critical conference.
I logged into the first conference a quarter-hour early to make sure the hotel wifi was OK while I was still naked to find that the pre-conference had been retimed by a quarter-hour so I was obliged to do this one nude. Luckily I was only visible from the waist upwards so everybody assumed I was wearing my swimsuit (which I was, of course).
I had a few minutes to dress between the two conferences.

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RE:Working from Home Naked

Before I retired last year, I had worked from home occasionally nude. Although, sometimes I worked from home while dressed out of habit and a weirdly professional attitude.

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RE:Working from Home Naked

So, for any teleconference at a resort, hotel or anywhere with the right vibe:

"Are you participating nude?"
"I'm wearing my swimsuit."
"Oh, cool! Enjoy the swim later!"

All good. :-)

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RE:Working from Home Naked

An acquaintance of mine is a semi retired part time consultant. He said that he doesn't wear a shirt for video calls. He keeps his camera pointing at his face and if someone sees enough of his shoulders and chest to realize that he isn't wearing a shirt, he doesn't care.

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RE:Working from Home Naked

Working from home naked is my norm, however I always dress appropriately for video calls my clients deserve that respect.

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RE:Working from Home Naked

Working from home naked is my norm, however I always dress appropriately for video calls my clients deserve that respect.

Just shirt or pants too?

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RE:Working from Home Naked

I work from home and Im nude most always. If I have a conference call I put on a shirt. But other than that Im free all day. If its cold in the winter Ill cover up a bit sometimes. Ill chat and Skype with other nudist throughout the day too.

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RE:Working from Home Naked

I work from home and Im nude most always. If I have a conference call I put on a shirt. But other than that Im free all day. If its cold in the winter Ill cover up a bit sometimes. Ill chat and Skype with other nudist throughout the day too.

A friend of mine who is a semi-retired part-time independent consultant mentioned that he doesn't put on a shirt for video calls. He keeps the camera aimed at his face, and if someone sees enough of his shoulders and upper chest to realize he isn't wearing a shirt, he doesn't care.

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