Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Hi there everyone, my Skype is joe_trent

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RE: Skype

Hey all my Skype is richard,hill69 drop me an add but tell me your from this group at TN.. look forward to camming.:)

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RE: Skype

hahaha ... we had friends staying with us. They were going to Skype their son and grandchildren and asked if we wanted to participate with them. We said sure and as they were sitting at the table logging on, in their robes, we suddenly realized that we were naked. Luckily we left the room before their son and grandkids came online. We returned in sweats and shirts! We had a pretty good laugh about it afterwards. :D

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RE: Skype

Hi everyone my Skype and Yahoo name is ChrisNaturist. I love chatting with friends in the Chat Room or on Skype and Yahoo.

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RE: Skype

Hey y'all.
Always enjoy camming with other nudists.Chris.

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