Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Hi Room. First of all I am new on this site. We all have our reasons for wanting to be nude in the house. I just thought I should say what mine is, in June 2013 I had a liver transplant and one of my anti rejection drugs makes me very prone to skin cancer. I am told I have low risk skin cancer. After being a being a nudist for 40+ years this came as quite a shock. So at home is my only option. Always ready to cam and always nude. Thanks for reading this post.

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RE: Nudity at home

Look at the 'bright side': You are still 'looking down at the grass', and not 'looking up at it'. 'Nuff said....

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RE: Nudity at home

I am so greatful to be given a second chance of life again..

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