Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

love being naked

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We love being nude at home all the time:), it feels so good to be nude..

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RE: Indeed it does

It's funny how many of us are so envious of others and their nude opportunities.
We have lived as nudists for over 40 years, but we've always lived in suburbia. Tract homes don't always give you significant enough privacy and until we bought our first home, we'd not thought much about it since we were "home" nudists and only ventured outside naked on the patios of our rented homes, late in the evening.
When we bought our first home, I made sure we had privacy. We had decided to become backyard/patio nudists and wanted a pool, etc. We had all of that in our first home and ensured that with every home we bought afterwards. The home we are currently in is also a tract home and we've made it a private backyard but we took our nudist life social about 17 years ago and wished we'd done it much, much sooner.
My hope was to have bought property this time and have acreage to roam naked my entire property ... but that didn't happen and I envy those that have lots of property to roam freely. Others see my situation and think ... "I don't even have the opportunities you have," and they are correct. I guess we should just be thankful we have the opportunities we do have. When we feel the need for more space to roam naked, we pack some items and head for a nude resort or our club, or the beach and that satisfies our need for more naked space.

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RE: Indeed it does

You are very lucky. I totally agree with the joy of nudity being in it's freedom and self expression without needing any sexual motive. I am naked whenever I can but that is limited by my non-nudist house-mate. When alone I am naked indoors and in my well screened back garden. I also go on frequent nudist holidays. It comes hard the get dressed at the end of a naked week (or two).

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