Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
London/SouthEast England - Profile photos etc
Return to DiscussionsI am just wondering if, like me, there are others who have problems getting new photos taken for use on profiles. If so, would anyone, male or female, be interested in getting together for a few hours solely for the purpose of helping each other get a few pics for use on their profiles here and on other sites. Please note that I'm 100% straight so not looking for any kind of gay/sexual hook-ups here, just genuine naturist/nudist photography.
I would also be interested in this possibility. I spend the summer in London each year and have hosted a few nude dinner parties at my house, and have often regretted that I am such a poor photographer. But none of my parties has ever included a person of real talent with the camera. Hence, if some meeting could be arranged at general convenience next summer, I would love to be included!