Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

new to nudism looking for friends and someone to talk to about

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hello,im new to nudism im looking for new nudist friends. im also looking for advise on how to take the first step in telling people and being naked in front of people.

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RE: new to nudism looking for friends and someone to talk to about

hello,im new to nudism im looking for new nudist friends. im also looking for advise on how to take the first step in telling people and being naked in front of people.Welcome, I think it's best to go to a beach or resort and just "do it" after a few minutes you won't even realize you are nude anymore.

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RE: new to nudism looking for friends and someone to talk to about

Welcome to TN and social nudity. The easiest way to tell about and experience your being a nudist is to be forthright and honest. Our being nudists isn't something we need to hide or be ashamed of , any more than being say being agolfer. Once you arrive at a place or situation where you will need to disrobe with others, just go ahead , we are all there for the same reason. We are there to enjoy being socially nude. Live long and stay nude.

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RE: new to nudism looking for friends and someone to talk to about

Bare greetings and welcome aboard. I agree with what everyone else has said. Once you do it you'll wonder what you ever worried about and the only one that will be thinking you're nude will be you. To everyone else (and soon you) it's just normal.

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RE: new to nudism looking for friends and someone to talk to about

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RE: new to nudism looking for friends and someone to talk to about

hello,im new to nudism im looking for new nudist friends. im also looking for advise on how to take the first step in telling people and being naked in front of people.Welcome. I got a lot of encouragement from groups and other members here in TN when I ventured into nudity big-time. Within months I was off on my first nude holiday to a guest house I found here on TN. I got such a warm welcome I have never looked back.
Just a few hints: Go at your own pace. But others here will be more open to you if you tell them something about yourself in your profile, and add some nude photos. Pick groups on subjects you are interested in or are at home with. You will have a common interest with other group members (in addition to naturism). When I first ventured out onto a nudist beach I was embarrassed - because I was over dressed. I soon put that right by stripping off and joining my fellow nudists. We come in all shapes. sizes body types and ages. So nobody will judge you on your appearance. Yes you are allowed to look at other nudists and to let them see you. Many walk the length of the water's edge on a nude beach for that very reason. But don't stare. An erection can happen but the etiquette is to hide it to avoid embarrassment. Etiquette also says carry a towel to sit or lie on wherever you go.
When it comes to telling those around you, make your own judgements. I was lucky in that I was seen naked by someone who spread the news around the entire village. So everyone knew without me having to tell them. There are other opportunities. If anyone asks about my many holidays I tell them, mentioning that it always needs to be warm enough to take my kit off. We chat and joke about my lifestyle regularly. But I don't impose my nudity on them. I respect others and they respect me.

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RE: new to nudism looking for friends and someone to talk to about

Hi. Welcome! As the others have said, go to a nudist resort, you will be among others who enjoy it as much as you will. I first went to a resort and stayed over for two nights, naked for two days solid among other nudists. It was a liberating experience! I next tried another resort and did the same thing. I liked it so much that I joined as a member, I have been going there for three years now. Try it yourself, it is one of the best decisions I have ever made.

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