Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

is a a private or a public matter?

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How much nudity is enjoyed while being alone and how much more when shared - if it's the case!I enjoy being naked at home all alone and anywhere else I cannot be seen. Though, I enjoy watching beautiful naked bodies, specially females.What about you? Do you think that nudism is also exhibition of one's body or the feeling of freedom which I adhere to?Do you have to post a naked pic to prove you are a nudist? If nude pics were forbidden here. How many members would stay???

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RE: is a a private or a public matter?

For me it is a feeling of freedom not of exhibition. I feel you don't really need to seek out others in order to enjoy a nude experience but then experiencing nudtiy around other like minded people could be enjoyable also.

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RE: is a a private or a public matter?

For me it is first and foremost the feeling of total freedom. I have thoroughly enjoyed being nude alone, preferably outdoors, but also in my home.
Secondly, it is a way of reaching out to others and sharing in the most honest way possible. While I greatly enjoy being in the company of others who are also nude, I have also enjoyed being nude when others are clothed. This last, of course, in a clothing optional environment where nudity is expected. I enjoy nude socialization at any time, but always enjoy it more when I am accompanied by my wife and life's partner.

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RE: is a a private or a public matter?

It has to be a bit of both since it is not accepted in the main stream of society. Iwould be nude most of the time if I did not have to work or shop for food, etc. But I cannot because most folks are not ready to see others nude, so it is kept private at home and in my backyard. I love the feeling of nudity, the lack of restrictions and the air and sun on my body,and I dont want to behermit,I want to meet and be with others who feel the same. In order to do that you have to be public about it at some level, like on this site for instance or at a resort..

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RE: is a a private or a public matter?

for me I just hate wearing clothes period

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RE: is a a private or a public matter?

I am always nude at home and in the backyard in the summer, the yard is fenced in so no one can see in. In the summer, I enjoy spending time at a local nudist resort were I have several friends. Love swimming in the pool and walking on the wooded trail barefoot.

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RE: is a a private or a public matter?

It doesn't really matter to me. I enjoy nudism in all it's forms. Public or with others is great, but so is home alone seen by no one. As to the nude photo question, I probably wouldn't stay. Not because I need to see other's pics, but because i don't like having my own freedom restricted and wouldn't feel comfortable in such a place. It's the same reason I only go to nude beaches. Clothed baches make me feel horrible and bottled up in some way.

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RE: is a a private or a public matter?

I actually come here more for the conversation than the pictures. If it was for the pictures than I would have bought a membership. Like seeing more where people have gone nude than seeing them nude themselves.
With that being said I do like the pictures too!

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RE: is it a private or a public matter?

personally I was reared nude so I am always nude at home and I go nude outdoors anywhere I can get away with it. since I live in a desert I have a lot of area i can drive to and go bare with no one to bother me, but I also have a few canyons around me that allow nude recreation as well and the falls are nice when the water is running you can hike for hours and then cool off. To me the human form is a work of art and should be allowed to be viewed. after all when you go to a nude beach, or resort you will see that aside from the lurkers at the beach NO ONE cares that you are nude. they accept you and talk to you as a person and are not leering while doing it. so to me it is not a display of nudity so much as a freedom to be bare as God intended us to be.

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RE: is a a private or a public matter?

    • How much nudity is enjoyed while being alone and how much more when shared - if it's the case!I enjoy being naked at home all alone and anywhere else I cannot be seen. Though, I enjoy watching beautiful naked bodies, specially females.What about you? Do you think that nudism is also exhibition of one's body or the feeling of freedom which I adhere to?Do you have to post a naked pic to prove you are a nudist? If nude pics were forbidden here. How many members would stay??? for me , I am naked 90 per cent in my apt, alone, and enjoy the feeling of being naked, and have most of my life,

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