Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Ice and snow storm
Return to Discussionshope everybody is still making it thru this winter ok. it's been a wild ride for you guys on the east coast. yesterday, here in Houston it was 80 degrees. now it's 42, with a high of 44 and rain all day. well no snow for us though. maybe some ice later tonight. everybody stay safe and warm.
We seem to be getting ALL of our Winter in the month of February - landmark snow and cold temperatures. SIGH! Thinking Spring for EVERYONE! And be safe in this weather!
Hi From JUDY.We are getting a ice and snow storm in Evansville Indiana tonight about 7PM.I work till midnight.I hope I don't get stuck at work all night.I wish I was Off today where I could be home warm and naked.
It's Monday it's better today.Thank you to everybody for caring.I wish I lived in Florida where I could be naked more.I am tired of winter weather.