Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

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I've been wondering about should i shave or leave natural. Anyone got an opinion?

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RE: help me decide

shave , it feels so sexy and smooth to feel

be a big job though, doesn't it itch?

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RE: help me decide

shave , or at least trim. It feels better, looks better and is far more hygienic. The only place for hair is on top of your head.

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RE: help me decide

I would shave it is so good for everyone nice and smooth to the touch.

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RE: help me decide 21082015 0943

Shaving is a matter of personal choice, but my preference is to be shaved by someone else and do the same for them. This is very exciting after our normal oil massage and does afford both of us some added closeness which is frequently the better friendship. On a pure practical basis, applying sun protection creams or oils is one benefit of being able to have a shaving partner and it will also allow an intimate partner to inspect visually, those areas the partner cannot examine themselves with effective ease. Without such inspection and appreciation, it is possible to have some mild skin condition such as early skin cancers, pimples or injury which should be discovered and dealt with to prevent and help cure any unwanted condition from being left to be more serious later on. Shaving can also be huge fun and mutually beneficial in educating the other sex as to what their partner has as a normal physique and can be very rewarding for more effective intimate contact if this is anticipated by either side. As a male, I do want to know about such things and am both more easy with any friend who acknowledges that my interest is firstly devoted to their well being and not intended to be foreplay for other activities that may or may not be expected or invited. As nudists, we are usually covered with oils, sand or other minor irritations to our genitals and it is rather silly to have these persist long after a sunning experience and leading to some issues which prevent or inhibit our enjoyment of life without clothes. As with everything else, this is one topic for discussion with any friend and can be adjusted by first talking about it. All body hair can be removed by various means, so it's really something the individual should explore for themselves and be open to knowing it is a personal choice first and of no concern to anyone else on a casual basis.

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RE: help me decide

Thanks for the replies. Anyone wanna instruct me via Skype, .

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RE: help me decide

I find it nice to occasionally be a shaved. Completely wild grow I do not find so beautiful, but to trim it so it's a nice youthful tuft of hair, it is very beautiful.I've been wondering about should i shave or leave natural. Anyone got an opinion?

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RE: help me decide

Oh dear, nobody couldn't see this coming?This is one of those times when a like button would be handy.

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RE: help me decide

Let it be as it is.. Natural is always natural

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RE: help me decide

I personally prefer the shaved, its a much neater look and i think its a lot more comfortable. My wife was a non shaver before we got married and she shaved once for me and has been smooth ever since. she LOVES the smoothness.

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RE: help me decide

Thanks for the replies. Anyone wanna instruct me via Skype, .
Check for some how to videos on You Tube. There are several of them. Type in "shaving" and hit search.

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