RE: how do you do in winter ...we just light a fire and turn up the heat and still use the hot tub ... to stay naked at home do you prefer to increase heating or get dressed
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RE: how do you do in winter ...I keep the house the same temp all year long
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RE: how do you do in winter ...Ww keep the house warmer, the fireplace on and cushions around the fireplaces. We also go to Palm Springs to Nude hotel where it is warm enough during the day to stay naked and at night in the hot tubs 12 months a year,
... to stay naked at home do you prefer to increase heating or get dressed
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RE: how do you do in winter ...... to stay naked at home do you prefer to increase heating or get dressed
I live in Texas so i only need to put the heat on for just two months or so in Jan and Feb for the most part. Therefore I just crank up the heater and stay textile free. Sure would hate to live somewhere where it is cold and the heating bill would be take away my naked-at-home-recreation.
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RE: how do you do in winter ...I'm a nudist not a nut, in winter I dress warm when needed. I also love living in Canada so have to deal with wide temperature variances
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Post #7Johnny_Yuma56ToplessSome's basturds. Some's ain't. That's the score. RE: how do you do in winter .... . . as paraphrased from the great quote by -Rogers Hornsby- on baseball ;-)
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RE: how do you do in winter ...stays pretty warm here when cooler will slip on a tee shirt but stay bottomless, each room has separate heats so will turn on if gets to cold but remain bottomless.
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RE: how do you do in winter ...I keep the house the same temp all year long
same here. not that it gets very cold here, just rainy in the winter
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RE: how do you do in winter ...The heat is off all day so, when I get home I turn on the heater or build a fire.
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RE: how do you do in winter ...... to stay naked at home do you prefer to increase heating or get dressed
House is kept at 68-70 in winter and i just go nude and wear slippers
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