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Home Nudist with high heating bill

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Weather is taking a turn and it's getting tempting to start putting clothes on . That or my home heating bill is going to go way up. What's everyone's preferred means of staying naked and toasty?

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RE: Home Nudist with high heating bill

since I prefer to be naked at home, I just turn up the heat enough that I can be comfortable. Being nude is so much more important to me than high heating bills.

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RE: Home Nudist with high heating bill

I start using clothes for their legitimate purpose - protection. From the cold. I put on a Tshirt first. If I need more, I put on a sweater vest. Colder yet, I will put on a full sweater, and probably socks by this time. I do not put on pants unless it is REALLY cold.

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RE: Home Nudist with high heating bill

As much as I hate to do so, I put on clothes. That's why I hate winter. If it wasn't for football and skiing...
There are two things that are awesome to do nude in cold weather.
A) Hot-tubbing. I love going to Common Ground Wellness Center in Portland, OR.
B) Indoor tanning. Before you preach to me about the dangers of using tanning beds, answer me this: do you eat/enjoy bacon? Good, then you can't talk. We're all going to die of something and according to the latest reports from the World Health Organization, consuming bacon causes cancer. So there ;)

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RE: Home Nudist with high heating bill

I live in the northwest and it gets very cold in winter. During the summer I got to the woods and gather fire wood its free and I stay warm nice and warm with no increase of a heating bill to stay nude

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RE: Home Nudist with high heating bill

Since Im in the business I installed the highest efficiency system I could possibly put in. The heating bill has been cut in half for several years now. Might have had to rethink how we live in the winter if not for that. Personally I place living nude high on the scale and enjoy my wife living bare even more so. So if the heating cost for our long winters is amped up above what it would be it's worth it to us.

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RE: Home Nudist with high heating bill

We don't get the really cold temps, as many of you do. We have had frost warnings and woken up to outside temps in the mid 20's but we keep the inside temp of the house around 66-68 in winter and 80 in summer. This keeps our electric and gas bills tolerable. Colder winter temps usually mean Di puts on a flannel shirt and slippers, I may or may not wear socks. Tile floors can get really cold.
Now that Di is retired ... if we're going to jack up the heat in the house to remain naked, we just jump in the car and head for Palm Springs for the day, or two, or longer so we can spend the money on visiting our favorite resort instead of paying for higher electric and gas bills! :D

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RE: Home Nudist with high heating bill

I wear clothes, heating just causes more greenhouse gases so I try to avoid having it on as much as I can. i set mine to 65 all winter

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RE: Home Nudist with high heating bill

I turn up the heat as well. Much to the dismay of my wife who thinks it's always too hot in the house. She still will not strip down with me lol

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RE: Home Nudist with high heating bill

use room heaters so you don't have to heat the whole house.

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RE: Home Nudist with high heating bill

I use a combination of the house heating system and portable space
heaters in the room(s) I'm nude in.

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