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For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

Nude feels good

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Love to be naked all time have since was kid

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RE: Nude feels good

Yes, nude does feel best, as I am right now. I will have to dress for work later but will put it off as long as possible. When I do dress I try to wear the minimum to maximize comfort.

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RE: Nude feels good

Yeah I do that as much as I can as welli put my clothes on my sofa, when im ready 2 go out then i get dressed, iget home, the cloths go back on the sofa

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RE: Nude feels good

Nude feels ... normal! ;-)

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RE: Nude feels good

Feels good definitely! I just finished a watercolour painting in the nude. Being sleeveless made certain I didn't dip my sleeve into the pallet that often happens when painting clothed. Also means I didn't drag a sleeve across the paper. Feels good and has advantages too.

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RE: Nude feels good

I think that nude is not Enitrely about sex, but I also think that (and i understand why) that the nudist movement tries to divorce sexuality from nudity too much. I understand why this is but I think it is an overreaction. There is a definite sensual and physical pleasure from being nude. Not necessarily sexual in of itself, but the truth is we are exposing, what is culturally at least, sexual body parts for others to see.I find it hard to say WHY I enjoy nudism. It is a pleasure that has nothing to do with sex, which I enjoy too. I just know the difference. The book Naked at Lunch explored nudism from a non-nudist's point of view, whilst the author became a social nudist as part of his research. It gives many part-answers and concludes that nudism is totally harmless. And it remarks on how friendly nudists are one with another.
For me it is a freedom to be myself, uninhibited, hiding nothing and vulnerable. Maybe it is part of our makeup that makes us feel imprisoned in our clothes. Clearly not everyone feels as we do. But not everyone goes birdwatching, collects stamps or coins, builds model railways etc. No doubt those that do are just as enthusiastic about their chosen pastimes.

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RE: Nude feels good

I think that nude is not Enitrely about sex, but I also think that (and i understand why) that the nudist movement tries to divorce sexuality from nudity too much. I understand why this is but I think it is an overreaction. There is a definite sensual and physical pleasure from being nude. Not necessarily sexual in of itself, but the truth is we are exposing, what is culturally at least, sexual body parts for others to see. It seems from what I have seen that nudism falls into 2 camps, so to speak. On the one hand are those who say it has nothing to do with sex and almost seem to become asexual, on the other side are those who want to be licentious and revel in uncontrolled and unrestrained sex. There should be a middle ground of acknowledging the inherent sexuality of nudity and yet restrained and placing sexuality in its proper context.With echoing the sentiments posted by Olly ... I would also add that, sometimes, there is overreaction by some, but there is truly a reason for their "overreaction." On this site, primarily, there is in influx of many who truly are not nudists and are not fully immersed in the true philosophy of the lifestyle but are in it for the sexual aspect of being nude, seeing others nude and conversations that center around sex.
It's almost always, those, that those accused of being "over reactive", are attacking those that use the fact that we are naked to a sexual degree and taint the lifestyle and it's legitimacy and disconnectthat nudism is aboutsex and only sex, that we are trying to achieve with mainstream society.
I don't know a true nudist that doesn't enjoy sex. In some aspects, nudism can enhance sexuality but nudist always use the mantra, "a time and place", for those types of activities. Nudism has been beneficial to us in our sexual relationship because it's made my wife open up more, talk more, be more honest, relaxed, free and not live the way she was being raised in a strict conservative Catholic manner, before we were married. Nudism can be a sensual experience but I don't feel sexual when I'm lying in the sun, talking with friends, playing volleyball, basketball, pickleball ... there is "a time and place" and far too often, this site, the forum and the groups veer away from the true nudist philosophy and want to focus on the sex aspect and when the attempt to curb that conversation happens, those trying to bring this back to center are often accused of "overreacting."

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RE: Nude feels good

That would be the best casual Friday of all!

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RE: Nude feels good

Olly and AndiDi have expressed the issue succinctly. But how do we get our nudist/naturist community to acknowledge that. Then we might have a chance with the textile society.

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RE: Nude feels good

Nude feels ... normal! ;-)It does indeed. At home it certainly does, we get naked asap on returning here, its not something we really acknowledge, more a sub-conscious action, returning to our preferred state, our normal state, of living nude. We live nude because it does feel good, being nude is the best way to be. A great part of being long time social nudists has been that the more time we spend with other nudists the more opportunities to socialise nude there are. It feels both very good and very normal to be nude with friends.

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RE: Nude feels good

Yes being nude does feel great.
The feeling one feels is sensual
not sexual, those that have to turn discuusions of enjoying being
nude into one of sexual context are just getting their brain cells
in the wrong order.
To them they are still thinking as a textile,
nudity equal sex. Not as they should be and that the feeing of
being nude is sensual and that feeling is good and even euphoric.
love being nude just like my wife and I are when we are alone such as we are at this point in time. Why because it makes us feel good free and relaxed. Not sexual. That comes later if we wish to.

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