Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -
For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group
Step kids
Return to DiscussionsHi all. I'm relatively new to TN and this group, but thought I should introduce myself instead of just lurking in the shadows and present my dilemma. First of all, I'm sorta new to nudism. Enjoyed the lifestyle for the last 15 years. Like a lot of us that weren't raised nudist, I started out small (insert penis joke here) by shedding underwear. Then, while going through a divorce and living in a VERY rural area, I became more brave by gardening, mowing (riding mower), sitting on the porch with my dogs and some suds, and even walking to the road for the mail nude. I've yet to visit a beach or resort, but that's coming. I live in central Missouri, USA. My dilemma is that I just remarried a wonderful woman and I've gone from no kids to 4! She accepts my choice to be nude and even joins me from time to time. However when her kids are with us, I have to be unhappily clothed. I don't want to create more issues between my wife and her ex by parading around nude (her ex would have a meltdown). Is someone out there in a similar situation that could offer advice? I'm not sure if I should let the kids (BTW 1 boy-19 and 3 girls-14, 12 and 11) know of my choice or "let sleeping dogs lie?" Thanks, Matt
I would talk to your new wife about it as the kids should at least know. What if you forgot they were there and walked out nude or they surprised you one day? I would still stay dressed around them (unless they were ok with it) but it also gives you the opertunity to keep convo on the topic going.
Surveyor I have been in exactly the same position, but over 30
years ago. My new wife had four children, three girls (7, 14 and
18) and one boy (16). They were definitely HER children. Initially
I was the wicked step-father who came between their mum and their
dad. Over the years they have become best friends and effectively
my own children but that is another story. The point is that she
set the rules regarding behaviour in front of her children. And she
never excluded them. We slept naked and she and Ibathed together. They were
free to come into the bedroom and bathroom for a chat whenever they
liked. So they often saw both of us naked. There was no need for me to cover up in front of them either. The youngest girl would get into bed
with me. There was nothing remotely sexual even though I was naked
(it wouldn't be allowed now but this was over 30 years ago). BUT
nudity was strictly confined to the bedroom, bathroom and landing.
Clothes were definitely required downstairs, and we didn't have a
nudist lifestyle.
So I would say: discuss it with your new wife and let her set the
rules regarding your nudity in front of the children.