Naked At Home - 2014 / 2025 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...Only upload your pictures to the Serbian Nudists group

What percent of your friends.

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Let me preface engineer by education to i think in numbers.
But you do not have to give precise percents, just some rough guesses to the following statement
A friend calls you on the phone and catches you at home: How many would:
A] be shocked to know they are talking to a naked person?
B]they do not know you are nude, but would be fine if you mentioned it?
C]know you live nude and it is no big deal?
D]would be shocked if you told them they caught you with clothes on?

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RE: What percent of your friends.

Same as a telecommunicator selling some stuff . . . I'd probably put my "stuck up voice" on and tell them to go piss in their hat . . . then sit my naked ass down and pop another top and relight my cigar ;-) jy

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RE: What percent of your friends.

A] be shocked to know they are talking to a naked person? 0
B]they do not know you are nude, but would be fine if you mentioned it? I see no reason I would mention it.
C]know you live nude and it is no big deal? Something I don't talk about
D]would be shocked if you told them they caught you with clothes on? More amused than shocked

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RE: What percent of your friends.

well if they call on skype its kinda obvious

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RE: What percent of your friends.

It just does not arise in phone calls. I'd have to tell them / ask them to get a reaction.Everyone around me knows I'm a nudist and all of them chat about it. Of course my nudist friends would expect me to be naked. And that's about half the total number of friends. The others (textiles) most probably don't realize I spend all my time naked when home alone. Why should they. It is tricky when they come to the door unexpectedly.

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RE: What percent of your friends.

A- 5%
B- 10%
C- 75%
D- 10%

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RE: What percent of your friends.

  1. A 20% ] be shocked to know they are talking to a naked
  2. B 10% ] they do not know you are nude, but would be fine
    if you mentioned it?
  3. C 50% ] know you live nude and it is no big
  4. D 20% ] would be shocked if you told them they caught you
    with clothes on?

These percentages are for good friends, most know we're nudists and
that we are naked whenever possible. Over the years we've built up
a good circle of nudist friends, a percentage that is still
increasing as we spend more and more time socialising in nudist
circles, so many know we're likely to be naked at home and a good
number have been nude here with us.

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RE: What percent of your friends.

A] be shocked to know they are talking to a naked person? = 0%
B]they do not know you are nude, but would be fine if you
mentioned it? = 99%
C]know you live nude and it is no big deal? = 2%
D]would be shocked if you told them they caught you with clothes
on? = 0%

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RE: What percent of your friends.

Unfortunately, 100% A. Maybe some B, but not sure how it would come up conversationally.

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RE: What percent of your friends.

for me it would also probably be
A 99%
B 1%

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RE: What percent of your friends.

Would be "a" for me!!!

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