Naked In The Kitchen.

This group is all those who clean, cook and prepare the food competely naked in the kitchen.

"This Dude Cooks in the Nude"

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That's the title of a cooking show available on VIMEO -- I guess I'm surprised to see that "the dude" hasn't gotten press in this thread. He actually has quite a few shows, and one can learn a lot from him. And, yeah: he cooks naked!

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RE:"This Dude Cooks in the Nude"

Very interesting blog! I just lost an hour watching back-to-back episodes

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RE:"This Dude Cooks in the Nude"

There was someone on Youtube who called himself the Bear Naked Chef who did cooking videos wearing only a tiny apron.
While there were no full frontals in the video, he implied that when the camera was off, so was the apron.

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RE:"This Dude Cooks in the Nude"

I have made a few apple pies nude great fun i always thought

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RE:"This Dude Cooks in the Nude"

I binge watched several of his shows. I also loaded the bread machine at 12:30 AM. Woke up to some fresh bread for the new year.

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