Naked In The Rain
For those who love being naked outdoors in the rain.
Hiking in the rain
Return to DiscussionsHey everyone. Has anyone ever taken a hike naked and kept on hiking even though it started to rain?
- 5 years ago
I haven't but it wouldn't bother me. I would love it if it did happen.
- 4 years ago
I have done it a few times. If it's a nice, warmer summer rain it really can be a great experience. Tends to keep people off the trails so I have been free to hike where I normally could not go. Also it breaks the heat and disperses the bugs. So much better than hiking in wet clothes, or fighting to stay dry. Unfortunately the rain is usually rather cool, so unless it's a really hot day, I won't stay on the trail for long.
- 4 years ago
I don't get much opportunity for naked hiking around here (dammit), but about a year ago I was on a textile hike and got caught in a downpour I turned around, but I was two miles from the car and no shelter in sight. It wasn't my first choice, but I survived it. I think I would have liked it better naked. Wet clothes chafe.
- 4 years ago
Ive done it several times. A great feeling as the rain hits your bare skin.
- 4 years ago
I've been caught in rain storms and showers a few time. The feeling of water drops hitting your skin is amazing. Doesn't compare to a shower.
- 4 years ago
I have been caught naked in the rain while on a hike. The rain was exhilarating on my skin, although it made the hiking trail a bit slippery.
- 4 years ago
Yes, It's happened to me a few times. A light sprinkle is nice on bare skin. But one time a storm came up when I was pretty far out a forest trail. Light rain turned to heavy cold pelting drops and then hail. Not so fun, but it got me sprinting back to my car, so the exercise was good!
- 4 years ago
Naked is the best raincoat. WARM rain just feels fantastic on the skin & makes for a fun way to shower (and cut down on water bils).
Nothing whisks away water & sweat or breathes like our epidermis; clothes just get in the way & need to be washed&dried, a total waste of time, energy, water. Got caught in a couple of HEAVY rainstorms on three-day biking&camping trip. Wet clothes are a real drag; drying takes FOREVER-- IF there is SUNSHINE. Even fresh water Rivers & Lakes leave an organic(?) dank smell on cothes making them even more oppressive to wear.
- 4 years ago
A few times, love being naked in the rain. As long as its warm enough atleast
- 4 years ago