Naked Massage

Naked Massage Group is for people to Massage in the Nude; And for those who prefer to be Massaged Nude. Good Topic, and discussion. Have Practised Massage for well over 20 Years, both with Vanity Towels and Nude.

Can a happy ending really be part of a healthy therapeutic massage?

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We think so and there is research to prove it. On the other hand, here in North America it if frowned upon even though there is a growing body of evidence that suggests that having an orgasm can have several health benefits. Some of the potential benefits include:

Reduced stress and anxiety. Orgasms can release endorphins, which are hormones that have mood-boosting and pain-relieving effects.
Improved sleep. Orgasms can help to promote relaxation and sleepiness.
Enhanced cardiovascular health. Orgasms can increase heart rate and blood pressure, which can have beneficial effects on cardiovascular health.
Strengthened pelvic floor muscles. Orgasms can help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which can help to improve urinary incontinence and sexual function.
Reduced pain. Orgasms can help to reduce pain, including headache, menstrual cramps, and back pain.
Enhanced immune system. Orgasms can help to boost the immune system, which can help to fight off infection.
Improved mood. Orgasms can help to improve mood and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.
Increased self-esteem. Orgasms can help to improve self-esteem and body image.
Promotes bonding and intimacy. Orgasms can help to promote bonding and intimacy with a partner.
It is important to note that more research is needed to confirm these benefits, and that orgasms may not have the same benefits for everyone. However, the available evidence suggests that having an orgasm can be a healthy and enjoyable part of a healthy lifestyle and yet including one in a friendly massage can have lasting benefits.

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RE:Can a happy ending really be part of a healthy therapeutic massage?

I think that a therapeutic massage should be different than a sensual massage. Different purposes and goals and expectations. The therapeutic massage should mainly address identified physical problems or weaknesses. Emotional or sexual needs should not be addressed However a sensual massage should be about meeting sexual or emotional needs. For me, a happy ending should actually be a happy middle which would be followed by more sensual massage. Men seem to be more open to being touched by strangers than women are. The women that I know are more reserved and prefer a relationship with the person touching them. But that is just my small world. I always thought it was because male genitalia are external and female genitalia is more hidden. And in my opinion more beautiful.

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RE:Can a happy ending really be part of a healthy therapeutic massage?

I have the same type of therapist. After the release, she finishes the legs and feet. Also, I have the same experience at asian parlors

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RE:Can a happy ending really be part of a healthy therapeutic massage?

I think so. I would love to find one and have one. But in reality, I think, I would be too terrified the police would bust the door down and throw me in jail. So, I stay away from trying to find one.

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RE:Can a happy ending really be part of a healthy therapeutic massage?


It has always amazed me at how society is utterly terrified of the thought of nudism, massage, or pleasure. Incomprehensible as to why anyone would suppress their desires for pleasure and enjoyment of life just to satisfy societal standards?

Life is too short to be controlled by those who want to control your pleasure so they can narcissistically and egotistically deal with their own insecurities.

It is "self evident" that touch, pleasure, and orgasms are an essential part of the human experience and can easily be incorporated into massage. The facts are indisputable!

A partial body massage is not a complete massage and will not fully activate the parasympathetic nervous system to bring your being in equilibrium. Just my perspective as a no longer practicing licensed massage therapist.

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